"bluechucky" <cmjunk at iinet dot net dot au> wrote:
> Could someone please assist or point me in the right direction.
Maybe, if you post relevant information.
> I've got the following generated sql code:
We want the URL, so that we can see the markup and style sheet as a
whole and unmunged. Markup and address munging considered harmful.
> a:link , a:active , a:visited {color : #677595; }
We already know you have not studied the basics of CSS properly, but we
don't know what is the specific problem you have run into.
> .postbody {font-size : 12px; }
> a.postbody:link {color : #ffcc00; text-decoration : none; }
Please. No more cluelessness indicators. Just post the URL, mm'kay?
We might offer help you didn't ask for, and maybe casually in the
problem you have in your mind, but code snippets are not the way to go.
> These postbody settings, when changed have no effect...
It's clear even from the munged snippets you posted that some of your
CSS rules are simply wrong (you obviously have no "a" element of class
"postbody"), but the big picture is still unknown.
> what am I doing wrong??
You are not posting the URL.
Yucca, http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/
Pages about Web authoring: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www.html