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Re: What happened to the beloved alt.internet.search-engines?

__/ [Big Bill] on Tuesday 01 November 2005 12:50 \__

> <snip>
>>> Yes, we should expect certain qty of such people there beacuse of
>>> nature of newsgroups - someone going to find a decision of a problem
>>> here, someone going to help.
>>It is still favourite group to be in and the discussion used to be very
>>stimulating. Then came a wave of quirks and I thought to myself "is it only
>>me?...". Finally I decided to ask and see if others sensed the same thing.
>>The quality can degrade if occupancy in the group changes.
> Our only alternative is the forums. They seem to be peopled by folk
> who spend so much time posting I doubt any of them do any actual work.
> BB

Posting  and  discussing is about interactive learning, which is  in  some
sense  working.  Working solely without communication or peer feedback  is
bound  to failure. Many things I have learned from you guys have helped me
a  lot. If this community 'weakens', we might all suffer as a consequence,
but that's just my personal stance.


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI"
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