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Re: A question on security

__/ [scott] on Thursday 03 November 2005 13:48 \__

>    I have set up a directory off the root with sub-directories and files
> all having a group set as webx.  The permissions for all is also set as
> 775.  My id is also set in yast as being a member of webx. When I change
> into the directory and then the sub-directory and then edit a file, vi
> tells me that I will be trying to change a read-only file.  What am I
> doing wrong?

Note to self: 775 = rwxrwxr-x

Have you made sure that the entire path to the file enables webx members to

Let us assume:



chmod 775 -R /home/user/path/


chmod 775 -R /home/user

Also to consider:

chown webx file_you_want_to_vi

* Descend one level at the time, getting more distant from

  o Make sure group ownership is okay

  o Make sure permissions are sufficiently lenient.

Hope it helps,


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Pentiums melt in your PC, not in your hand"
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