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Re: PalmOS and Linux

__/ [Martin T] on Saturday 05 November 2005 11:06 \__

> Captain's log. On StarDate Tue, 01 Nov 2005 13:33:25 +0000 received comm
> from Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> on channel
> comp.sys.palmtops:
> : According  to some statistics I have seen, that is true. As for the 
> : Linux
> : migration,  I have not seen much progress and the Access takeover makes
> : me
> : somewhat  skeptic. Nonetheless, I look forward to better Palm-Linux 
> : inte- gration.
> I think it's a bit too early to presume that a move from PalmOS to Linux
> core in future systems from Access will automatically translate to better
> integration and synch support between devices based on that new OS and
> Linux desktop.
> I have seen plenty of devices and gadgets using an embedded Linux core, but
> at he same time have absolutely no support for a connection to anything
> else than a pure Windows desktop (and i some more common cases also Mac
> desktop).
> So if I was you I wouldn't (based on that sole information of moving from
> PalmOS core to embedded Linux) have the hopes up too high for that (better
> support and integration for desktop Linux users) to happen.

That's what worries me, still. Development is demand-driven. Philosophy does
not appeal to the investor. I have been looking into the Nokia 770 this
morning as it was very, very recently released. Now, if only it had personal
information management available...


It seems as though we'll need to wait for people to use the SDK and extend
(create more applications). I am fairly certain that the Nokia 770 will be
easy to connect to a Linux box seamlessly. Having said that, at the moment
it doesn't seem like the device had anything worth synchronising (bookmarks,
mail archives...).

Moreover, if it was ever to integrate with other machines, it could do so
Web-based. I like the thought of heading in this direction: the Open Web for
all communication. XML-RPC, OpenDocument/OASIS and the like are becoming
more popular.


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    "Have you compiled your kernel today?"
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