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Re: Broken Links Parser ?

  • Subject: Re: Broken Links Parser ?
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Nov 2005 08:28:53 +0000
  • Newsgroups: alt.www.webmaster
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <1132880122.048669.56890@g44g2000cwa.googlegroups.com> <fKadnRNrUsfjFRveRVn-vw@comcast.com>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [Jerry Stuckle] on Friday 25 November 2005 03:38 \__

> ichetan@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hi:
>> Is their a parser which will run through all the files on my web-server
>> and check each and every link to see if it's active(It should
>> differntiate between 404 and correct response) and if the link is
>> broken then the parser should tag the link with DEL tag so that users
>> can know it's broken.
>> Any pointers to such a tool for webmasters to run as batch process ?
>> Thanks.
> I use xenu (http://home.snafu.de/tilman/xenulink.html).
> It doesn't tag the link, but it does bring up a report of broken links.

Use this one if you are willing to expend bandwidth:


Hope this helps,


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