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Re: unable to access google cache for certain websites

  • Subject: Re: unable to access google cache for certain websites
  • From: "Galen" <galennews@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2005 00:07:26 -0500
  • Newsgroups: alt.websites
  • Organization: Posted via Supernews, http://www.supernews.com
  • References: <lu0hf.152$w73.30@newsfe1-gui.ntli.net> <6U0hf.3607$7p5.3060@newsfe4-win.ntli.net> <dm4q5i$qic$1@godfrey.mcc.ac.uk> <lQLhf.797$Lf4.202@newsfe7-win.ntli.net>
  • Xref: news.mcc.ac.uk alt.websites:7098
In news:lQLhf.797$Lf4.202@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
Nospam <nospam@xxxxxxxx> had this to say:

 My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:

> for example the google cache of this site
> is down for me and I get  the "Sorry, no content found for this URL
> "
> "Roy Schestowitz" <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:dm4q5i$qic$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> __/ [Nospam] on Wednesday 23 November 2005 16:36 \__
>>> "Nospam" <nospam@xxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:lu0hf.152$w73.30@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> I have recently found that I am unable to access google's cache of
>>>> certain websites, most of my google information I usually use it's
>>>> cache, but it is becoming frustrating not to be able to access
>>>> several of it's cache any longer.  I don't know if it is because I
>>>> use spyware blaster, and have immunized internet explorer with
>>>> spoybot s&d or that my isp uses a proxy server (it didn't make any
>>>> difference until recently) might have anything to do with no
>>>> longer being able to access google's cache?
>>> would like to add that the error msg I get is
>>> from google is
>>> "Sorry, no content found for this URL"
>>> is this something to do with google, or am Infected with something?
>>> or my isp is blocking access to certain sites?
>> That's unlikely. Certain infections used to cause results pages to
>> display pornographic sites. Others appeared to have supplied a fake
>> Google front page (a spoof).
>> I recently found that I get a similar (possibly identical) error
>> message to yours. This happens when I try to access the cache of
>> various pages which are by all means live and public (servers go
>> down sometimes or content changes). Can you post some example URL's
>> so that we can compare and see if it is global?
>> If you need a proxy (a remote computer) to test this with:
>> http://schestowitz.com/proxy
>> username: open
>> password: proxy
>> Try it from there (it's my Web server). Please be sure not to misuse
>> it.
>> Hope it helps,
>> Roy
>> --
>> Roy S. Schestowitz      |    Software patents destroy innovation
>> http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux     |     PGP-Key: 0x74572E8E
>>   4:25pm  up 21 days 12:19,  4 users,  load average: 0.50, 0.61, 0.56
>>       http://iuron.com - next generation of search paradigms

Is that a direct translation? I get a page in French (I think) of a chunk of 
Perl for, it looks, searching. Would a more litteral translation be, "Page 
can not be found?" What happens if you try an alternate browser? Have you 
tried flushing your DNS and checking to see if maybe it's being blocked with 
the hosts file?



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