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Re: Create a search on my website (Multi-posted)

__/ [www.1-script.com] on Thursday 20 October 2005 23:38 \__

> Paul Morrison wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking to have a search option on my site, but am not sure how to
>> go
>> about it. I would like to have the option of searching the site for
>> keywords, and also a web wide search. I have looked at the Google
>> version of
>> this, but I would rather have the results opened in my site, rather
>> than
>> being redirected to Google.
>> If anyone has any ideas as to the way I should go about this, it would
>> be
>> much appreciated.
> You'd need to install search software at your web server. The actual type
> of the software depends on your hosting platform, but chances are you will
> be able to use either Perl or PHP scripts. For Perl I'll insert a
> shameless plug - I have a script that you could use:
> http://www.1-script.com/1_search/ If you need more choices or want PHP
> instead of Perl, check out hotscripts.com

Great. And only now do I realise that the OP was multi-posting.

Just something to be aware of...


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