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Re: MSN Banned???

Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> __/ [Jez] on Friday 21 October 2005 09:55 \__
>> www.msn.com has gone to PR2. I wonder if it's a glitch or whether
>> google 
>>   are a bit scared? Probably Bill Gates blog spamming again, he keeps
>> posting comments on my blog :-)
>> Jez.
> I  didn't  believe it until I tried it. PageRank 2 for the  msn.com 
> front page.  Hotmail.com is at PR5, but maybe it's unsurprising as
> only few peo- ple  link  to it. Portals, however seem to contrast with
> this  opinion  of mine.
> Is  it possible that all these re-directions for the purpose of
> cross-site cookie  exchange had them panelised. If so, does that not
> indicate a defi- ciency  in the PageRank algorithms? It seems like
> some fierce  competition has led to hostility. Am I just muddying the
> water perhaps? 
> http://news.com.com/Microsofts%20nightmare%20inches%20closer%20to%
> lity/2100-1012_3-5877197.html?tag=nefd.lede

It's not going to happen soon, if ever. A browser can't currently
replace the smooth interaction with applications on your desktop in all
cases. And on what is the browser running? Rrrrright, an OS. 

And even if it's going to happen, MS will make a browser that works just
a little bit better compared to the competition. Remember, they replaced
Netscape in a very short time. MS has money, a lot of money. 

> Google,  by the way, formed a pact with Sun -- the folks behind
> OpenOffice two

OpenOffice is Open Source. IIRC bought Sun the stuff once, did something
with it, and then made it Open Source. 

> which was released yesterday. MS Office accounts for
> as much  revenue as Windows.

Yup, and as long as most of my customers are using it, I have to use it.

John                       Perl SEO tools: http://johnbokma.com/perl/
                                             or have them custom made
                 Experienced (web) developer: http://castleamber.com/

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