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Re: barter (formerly: Need search engine guru)

  • Subject: Re: barter (formerly: Need search engine guru)
  • From: Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 01:44:46 +0100
  • Newsgroups: alt.internet.search-engines
  • Organization: schestowitz.com / MCC / Manchester University
  • References: <1130609207.c48a79edcbbbccb0f340b819da7ae567@teranews> <gPT8f.443$hp5.153@trnddc04>
  • Reply-to: newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • User-agent: KNode/0.7.2
__/ [draphael] on Sunday 30 October 2005 00:44 \__

> "Tera News" <hws111@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:1130609207.c48a79edcbbbccb0f340b819da7ae567@xxxxxxxxxxx
>>I have a Marland based wedding/variety  band in need of someone who can
>> DRASTICALLY improve our search engine rankings.
>> We will exchange one free gig at a local office party or venue in exchange
>> for that person to provide guarranteed top 10 rankings with google and
>> other
>> search engines.
>> Please respond to thedoubletakeband@xxxxxxxxxxx
> I'd suggest that your site (doubletakeband.com) needs a lot more than just
> SEO to make you a success.

It needs a re-design, I agree. The content may be fine, but the structure and
layout might repel many visitors and will not get you phonecalls.

> The site is really a mess - unprofessional, inconsistent design &
> organization (every page is different, and there's no consistent
> navigation), tiny unreadable text, ads for dish network...
> And the cursor that spells out the name of your band has GOT to go.
> I'd suggest getting a webdesigner who knows:
> -- how to design a professional, attractive & functional site
> -- SEO (optimization, promotion, etc)
> (maybe someone who specializes in websites & internet promotion for bands -
> they are out there)
> And, you do need to be able to pay for these services. A gig isn't going to
> do it.

John wanted a house in Mexico, but I suspect most designers or SEO
professionals can compromise for less.

> In a nutshell - You guys may sound good but even the highest rankings in
> Google won't help if when folks get to your site you make a poor first
> impression & they decide to go elsewhere ~
> just my 2 cents ~
> DRaphael

I  agree. It seems as if you are may be an excellent band (I can't tell as
I  have  not witnessed a gig), but to sell yourself via the Internet,  you
must  put  on a show that is coherent with people's expectations from  the

I  can envision that same domain bringing you plenty of business, but  the
layout  must be changed. WebRings are associated with amateur SEO that  is
conspicuous  (I once became member of a ring... 2 in fact, but that is not
shown at the front page). The font size is another glaring deficiency. The
average user has to dig through the menus in order to zoom in (and not use
keyboard shortcuts or mouse gestures).


Roy S. Schestowitz      |    The most satisfying eXPerience is UNIX
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