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Re: How can I stop my processes being monitored?

__/ [MGW] on Monday 12 September 2005 03:50 \__

> __/ [plato] on Sunday 11 September 2005 22:43 \__
>> How can I stop the processes on my computer being monitored?
>> I play scrabble with http:/www.isc.ro and when i examine games the pros
>> play and use an anagrammer to check words and hooks etc., the server
>> detects I have used an annagrammer and I get penalised.
>> Is there any way I can prevent what processes I have running being seen
>> by others?
> In other words, you want people here to help you cheat?

Not cheat, win [sarsasm]. The reason I would not play a boardgame on the
'Net is because I never know if the opponent uses an engine to make
decisions. Everyone loses: the person who practically lost and the person
who never /truly/ won.

It is amazing what people do for falsified ego boost. I have seen people in
MATLAB Central who download their own code (thousands of times) to boost
their figures and show up as popular authors. You also see people who ask
people to link (cite) to them. To me, that's just being a loser. What is
the point? Some would label that behaviour as "spamming".

I sometimes listen to a radio nice show on BBC2. It is called "Pop Master".
The people are questioned on music history, both past and recent past, over
the telephone. No doubt if the caller (contestant) had a search engine (or
even a friend to whisper), he or she would have won. Again, what is the
point? Some people win and some people just fake that rewarding feeling, if
at all. Some people live rewarding lives and some just take drugs.

Good luck going down that route...


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "Double your drive space - delete Windows"
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