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Re: Using a old site with a good PR effectivly....when re-doing it...

__/ [James Helliwell] on Wednesday 14 September 2005 14:53 \__

> Hi I have re-done a web site the old site is
> www.wheatsheaf-inn.com
> rubbish site.. well used and good google rank for some things has some
> good links to it, PR4
> I have made a new site on a different domian and we have control of this
> old site
> I want to utalise the fact that the site is well established. If I do a
> redirect to the new domain will the hidden old site drop out of rankings?
> I also want to put some links from the old site as it has a PR4...
> Ideas?? if you undersatnd that lol
> james

Hi James,

Have a look at some of Google's answers, e.g.:


>From the way you describe the situation, it is clearly the case that you
/primarily/ wish to transfer/preserve your PageRank; so I assume anyway.
You must also seek a solution that will redirect /all/ crawlers in the
right direction.

Write a mod_rewrite if you use Apache so as to indicate a permanent address
change. I think it is 301 that's the code you must pass. This way, you
allow the search engine to have the notion of a domain change.

Be very careful in the way you go about implementing this, or else...


Here are some pages that will give you necessary instructions:

   (Replace 305 with 304, 303, 302, 301)

John Bokma in this group might be able to help you further.


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