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Re: Meaningless Subject Line

__/ [John Bokma] on Friday 16 September 2005 21:15 \__

> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> In fact, I didn't intend to get (or should have gotten) involved in
>> this thread, but I saw your name and wondered why /you/ found it
>> reply-worthy.
> Now and then I get a reply: Thanks, I will do so next time. And indeed,
> when they post again, suddenly I see a meaningful subject :-) Some people
> are really new *and* willing to learn.

True. I was too harsh. Again I will point out that you can never change the
habit of millions. Some people only post once and disappear. Others are
very much absorbed by UseNet. The ones who post just once are often those
who need assistance more than others. I wish they expressed their problem,
however, in more than 2 lines (or a subject line with void body).


Roy S. Schestowitz      | "The speed of time is one second per second"
http://Schestowitz.com  |    SuSE Linux    |     PGP-Key: 74572E8E
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