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To become favored by the favored.

Hi  Roy_Schestowitz,  In light of your stated opinions,
shouldn't your saying be:

  A man _With_ free time is richer than a king.
  He is able to focus his mind fully on his passions.

Not _Without_.

You wrote:

  Google's PageRank(c) has become a measure of status to some.
  A few even exploit it for money by selling links.
  To me, it is a way of spreading something that I believe in, 
  namely free software, a fond community  ( I am not a "dark-room-codemonkey" )
  and mutual support or exchange of information.

Status, money and PageRank games all have the same goal:

  To become favored by the favored.

But, as I said, that's external to me, out of my control.
In fact, nothing of any significance is under my control.

None avoids death in the long_run, and none chose to be born,
and all any ever did was burn bright, like a star, dissipating into the night.

Detachment is the secret to happiness/nirvana, I maintain,
i.e. accepting the losses that _Will_ come in the long_run.

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