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CSPP Stats: 17/03/2006-01/04/2006

  ¤  Times are Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) +0:00

  ¤  Statistics span a period of roughly 15 days

  ¤  Subject line formatted consistently "CSPP Stats: <DATES>"

  ¤  Killfile <subject contains "CSPP Stats: "> if uninterested
Turquoise SuperStat 2.2 * Message area statistics

(c) Copyright 1998-2005 Peter Karlsson

This report covers 251 messages written between 2006-03-17 00:33:49 and
2006-04-01 21:54:22

Quoters (of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name                                                       Msgs   Ratio
   1. Dekaritae <dekaritae@xxxxxxxxx>                               5  71.07%
   2. Adam Helberg <sendspamhere@xxxxxxxxx>                         5  70.15%
   3. Guy Bannis <guy@xxxxxxxxx>                                    3  65.65%
   4. Notan <notan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         3  60.68%
   5. DervMan <dervman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                                7  59.99%
   6. casioculture@xxxxxxxxx                                        8  59.59%
   7. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                 10  51.42%
   8. Kevin <kevprice1@xxxxxxxxx>                                   5  49.72%
   9. Steve Hodgson <hamrun@xxxxxxxxx>                              3  41.27%
  10. RonB <ronb02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                                 5  39.32%
  11. Harlan Lachman <hlachman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                  3  38.35%
  12. Doug Herr <doug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                              3  37.72%
  13. Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                                         8  36.58%
  14. Oliver <mr_olivero@xxxxxxxx>                                  3  32.81%
  15. Joe Makowiec <makowiec@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                       3  32.63%

A total of 166927 bytes were written (message bodies only), of which 56724,
or 33.98%, were quotes.

Toplist of writers

Place Name                                               Msgs    Bytes Quoted
   1. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>         10    12345  51.4%
   2. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>           8     6897  19.2%
      casioculture@xxxxxxxxx                                8     6392  59.6%
      Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                                 8     6214  36.6%
      Expert Humor <TheExpert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>              8     2135
   6. DervMan <dervman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>                        7     6961  60.0%
      dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                              7     5443  22.9%
   8. Kevin <kevprice1@xxxxxxxxx>                           5     3892  49.7%
      Adam Helberg <sendspamhere@xxxxxxxxx>                 5     3886  70.1%
      Jerry <jerryratpack@xxxxxxxxxxx>                      5     3370
      Dekaritae <dekaritae@xxxxxxxxx>                       5     2931  71.1%
      RonB <ronb02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                         5     2808  39.3%
  13. magaznan@xxxxxxx                                      3     2870
      Harlan Lachman <hlachman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>          3     2443  38.4%
      Oliver <mr_olivero@xxxxxxxx>                          3     2350  32.8%

A total of 128 people were identified.

Toplist of original content per message (of people who have written at least
three messages)

Place Name                                        Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
   1. magaznan@xxxxxxx                             2870 /    3 =   956
   2. Ray Ingles <sorceror@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>  5576 /    8 =   697  19.2%
   3. Jerry <jerryratpack@xxxxxxxxxxx>             3370 /    5 =   674
   4. Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  5997 /   10 =   599  51.4%
      dhoffman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                     4194 /    7 =   599  22.9%
   6. Oliver <mr_olivero@xxxxxxxx>                 1579 /    3 =   526  32.8%
   7. Harlan Lachman <hlachman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  1506 /    3 =   502  38.4%
   8. Patrick Vuichard <Patrick.Vuichard@wanadoo.  1488 /    3 =   496  23.7%
   9. Penster <xxx@xxxxxxx>                        3941 /    8 =   492  36.6%
  10. Steve Hodgson <hamrun@xxxxxxxxx>             1308 /    3 =   436  41.3%
  11. Doug Herr <doug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>             1250 /    3 =   416  37.7%
  12. ISRAEL FAGBEM <invest@xxxxxxxxx>             1195 /    3 =   398
  13. DervMan <dervman@xxxxxxxxxxxx>               2785 /    7 =   397  60.0%
  14. Kevin <kevprice1@xxxxxxxxx>                  1957 /    5 =   391  49.7%
  15. RonB <ronb02@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>                1704 /    5 =   340  39.3%

Toplist of subjects

Place Subject                                                    Msgs   Bytes
   1. Was the m125 the only palm with AAA and SD?                  20   15495
   2. Back to palm, what's the best software these days?           13   10361
   3. Analogs of Palm Software                                      9    7860
   4. Replacement PDA suggestions                                   8    5603
   5. Goofey Screen?                                                7    6815
      OS 3.5 application compatibility with OS 5                    7    3896
      Earliest Palm with SD card slot                               7    3481
   8. Phone connection headache (UK/TungstenT3/Panasonic VS6)       6    4778
      problem with PowerRun                                         6    4152
      Replacement of Zire 71 battery?                               6    2302
      first plam with USB connection                                6    2182
  12. Treo 650 and Bluetooth Keyboards                              5    6601
      Tungsten T5 Outlook Sync Problem                              5    4422
      TT standard software re-install?                              5    4240
      Treo 650 and Outlook phone number formatting                  5    3963

A total of 86 subjects were identified.

Toplist of programs

Place Program                              Msgs
   1. G2                                     70
   2. Microsoft Outlook Express              40
       5.50.4522.1200:1 6.00.2800.1506:1 6.00.2900.2180:19 6.00.2900.2527:6
   3. Forte Agent                            14
       1.91/32.564:1 1.92/32.572:1 2.0/32.652:1 3.0/32.763:2 3.1/32.783:1
3.2/32.830:2 3.3/32.846:5 4.0/32.1001:1
      Mozilla                                14
   5. KNode                                  13
       0.10.1:1 0.7.2:10 0.9.1:2
   6. Thunderbird 1.5                        12
   7. slrn                                   10
   8. MT-NewsWatcher                          9
       3.3b1:1 3.4:8
      Xnews                                   9
       2006.03.07:8 5.04.25:1
  10. Gnus                                    6
       5.0808:1 5.09:1 5.1007:2 5.11:1 5.110004:1
  11. Pan                                     4
      tin                                     4
       1.4.2-20000205:1 1.6.2-20030910:2 1.8.1-20060215:1
      Unison                                  4
  14. BNews2004v20                            3
      Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6               3

A total of 31 different programs (not counting different versions) were

Postings per weekday

Day        Msgs
Monday       34 **************************
Tuesday      24 ******************
Wednesday    29 **********************
Thursday     31 ***********************
Friday       78 ************************************************************
Saturday     30 ***********************
Sunday       25 *******************

Postings per hour

Hour       Msgs
0000-0059     9 ***************************
0100-0159     6 ******************
0200-0259    13 ***************************************
0300-0359     5 ***************
0400-0459     7 *********************
0500-0559     8 ************************
0600-0659     8 ************************
0700-0759    11 *********************************
0800-0859    17 ***************************************************
0900-0959    12 ************************************
1000-1059    20 ************************************************************
1100-1159    14 ******************************************
1200-1259    12 ************************************
1300-1359    11 *********************************
1400-1459    11 *********************************
1500-1559     9 ***************************
1600-1659    10 ******************************
1700-1759     9 ***************************
1800-1859     5 ***************
1900-1959    11 *********************************
2000-2059    13 ***************************************
2100-2159     7 *********************
2200-2259    13 ***************************************
2300-2359    10 ******************************


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