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Re: Site dropped to PR4

On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 13:50:41 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>__/ [ Paul B ] on Tuesday 04 April 2006 12:34 \__
>> On Sun, 02 Apr 2006 13:20:58 +0100, Roy Schestowitz
>> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>__/ [ Badass Scotsman ] on Sunday 02 April 2006 13:06 \__
>>>> "Paul B" <lamewolf2004@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>> news:oubv221qcembpoks534nrq1r2j5ovo0i2v@xxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Anyone else notice their PR playing around ?
>>>>> Site was a PR5, and today PR4   umph !
>>>There's some stuff going on over here, as well. Nothing like a full-scale
>>>PageRank update, but there are odd changes. This appears to be something
>>>more global...
>>>MCDar apepar to be overloaded with requests (it is slow), which may be yet
>>>another indication the people are discovering changes.
>>>Best wishes,
>> Back to PR5 today :)
>It  was  not  worth worrying about, was it? *smile*

concerned more than worried. The update had long gone, so why the
change? I get inbound links on an almost daily basis, so if anything
the site shouldn't be worse.

I knew after a while that is was not the site, but google that had the
problem when I confirmed that other sites had reverted to pre-update.

> I used to  have  these paranoia  cycles,  which had me worried in vain. I am thinking /not/  only
>about  site-related matters, but also mailing lists subscription, IP  bans
>(ISP)  and  hardware  faults (I reboot my machine  this  afternoon,  after
>almost  150  days  of uptime). In due time, I learned to cope  with  these
>situations  or  simply  not care. PR4/5 is peanuts and  wasn't  worth  the
>time/trouble. Wait until bigger (more daunting) things come your way...
>Look  at  the bright side: we all had an intersting discussion. The  group
>has been quieter recently. Some regular just leave a foot on the doorpane.
>Best wishes,


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