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Re: bandwidth google bot

__/ [ John Bokma ] on Thursday 20 April 2006 22:36 \__

> xptomarketing@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Hello there
>> I would like to know if this following, in my awstats information is
>> normal:
>> Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 25)
>> Googlebot     13742     608.88 MB     20 Apr 2006 - 04:28
>> MSNBot     1380     68.62 MB     20 Apr 2006 - 01:32
>> Inktomi Slurp     447     19.95 MB     20 Apr 2006 - 04:11
>> Unknown robot (identified by 'spider')     374     15.71 MB     20 Apr
>> 2006 - 01:55 Unknown robot (identified by 'crawl')     65     380.33
>> KB     19 Apr 2006 - 06:14 AskJeeves     11     215.16 KB     16 Apr
>> 2006 - 03:58 Voyager     3     283.75 KB     20 Apr 2006 - 05:06
>> WISENutbot     2     29.29 KB     05 Apr 2006 - 16:36
>> Unknown robot (identified by 'robot')     2     59.22 KB     06 Apr
>> 2006 - 18:28 Voila     2     57.23 KB     14 Apr 2006 - 17:05
>> Netcraft     1     0     06 Apr 2006 - 03:08
>> Google needs to "consume" 608.88 MB ?
> do you have images?

This aggregate includes images. But your point is a very valid one. Google
gets hungry sometimes and sometimes there is abatement. It's quite
unpredictable. A sheer example of that is Alexa (the Web Archive). This
month, MSN seems to be the 'bad guy'.

MSNBot  40296+704               1.01 GB         21 Apr 2006 - 07:53
Googlebot       34236+24        423.33 MB       21 Apr 2006 - 07:39
Inktomi Slurp   30905+2648      512.23 MB       21 Apr 2006 - 07:59

What do I get for the 1 GB of largely-on-the-fly-generated content?

MSN     58      128

At some point, I thought about kicking MSN out...


> are you sure that Googlebot is *just* Googlebot?
> You might get a better idea when you download your access log and use:
> http://johnbokma.com/perl/googlebot-statistics.html
> which shows which files and how often.
> Using sitemap might help you.

I agree on that account!

Best wishes,


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