flatfish+++ wrote:
> Linux has a reputation for having a lot of good documentation,
> How-To's and various wiki pages.
> Who would have thought that someone has actually written a "How to
> Capture a Women" How-To for Linux geeks!!!
> (For you social misfits, you might get a date after reading this)
> But then again, looking in comp.os.linux.advocacy, maybe it's a good
> idea!
> Now don't try and absorb this all in one 24 hour Jolt/Pizza induced
> frenzy and don't be discouraged if you don't get a women the first
> few times you apply these techniques.
> It's going to take years to turn you geeks into gentlemen.
> http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO.html
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