Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> Should I Really Care About Linux?
> ,----[ Final Words ]
> | ...while it's no secret that the OS (Linux) is easier to use and much more
> | robust than ever before, a lot of people just don't see a need to really
> | care about what's going on in the Penguin Land. Everyday users just go
> | with the majority,
That's usually true, until their machine gets hit with viruses,
spyware, and pop-ups, starts crashing, and some Microsoft security
update forces them to reboot their computer 8 times and then on of
their favorite 3rd party applications suddenly stops working.
It's those moments of frustration, when you want to take the big old
hammer to your PC, that you remember someone said "Linux is like
Windows, but it doesn't crash, it doesn't get sick, and it doesn't eat
These days, there isn't a Linux advocate around who shouldn't be
watching those Mac ads and saying "I get that with Linux, and I didn't
have to spend $2000 for the computer to get it". It's really kind of
funny, the Mac ads are almost exactly like some proposed ads for Linux,
posted in this newsgroup over the last 10 years.
> | and it would take some drastic changes for most people
> | to seriously consider using Linux as a primary (or even secondary)
> | operating system.
Yes, like getting PERMSSION to do so. Like having an easy way to
repartition and/or reinstall windows on a Linux master.
VMWare appliances do solve many of these install problems. When you
can open VMX files like word files, and have a boat-load of
applications you didn't have before, that can be very nice.
> | Of course, it doesn't help that Microsoft and Apple
> | have ripped off some of the unique features of the OS and tried to make
> | them theirs, but that's a completely different story.
> `----
Actually, that IS the story. Vista now has 2 competitors. Apple,
which makes you buy their hardware, and Linux, which will run on your
Dell, HP, Thinkpad, Gateway, Toshiba, or Viao.
Vista **might** be out someday.
It ***might*** do ***some*** of what MAC does.
Do you really think that Dell, HP, Thinkpad, Gateway, and Toshiba are
going to let take bigger market shares than they have, and just sit
back and wait for VISTA??!!!
Microsoft doesn't have 10 years to "get it right" with VISTA.
Novell, Sun, Red Hat, and Linspire, are ALL talking to these big OEMs,
and they are pointing at Apple, saying "If You DON'Tgo Linux, Apple
will have 30% of the market and you'll be struggling to keep 10% at
fire-sale prices.
IBM invested $1 billion into Linux and got it back 10 fold within 3
years. Today, they make over $16 billion in revenue from services,
support, servers, consulting, and application licenses. Some
projections show this growing to $16 Billion per QUARTER, within a year
or so.
What could Dell, HP, and Lenovo do if they invested $1 billion in
promoting, selling, and supporting Linux workstations?