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Re: [News] Understading the Open Source Software Community

Roy Schestowitz :
> Who understands the OSS community?
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| There are a lot of OSS programmers that feel the very same way. We might
>| not always agree on certain (technical) issues, but we are proud of our
>| work. That is a big difference with the code slaves that work for closed
>| source companies. They have very little influence on the work that they
>| do, give up their intellectual rights the moment they lift their fingers
>| from the keys and get badly paid. And when closed source program is
>| horribly made, the true artisan in us is disgusted.
>| When you're doing a OSS project, you do it because you like it. Because
>| you have an itch to scratch. And if your humble project is of any use to
>| the outside world, you're are emotionally involved to say the least.
>| There is no central OSS or Linux company. What we usually call "Linux"
>| is actually a bunch of loosely connected OSS projects. There is no board,
>| no CEO, no stock holders, no PR department and you don't have to apply for
>| a job.
> `----
> http://thebeez.vnunetblogs.com/the_beez_speaks/2006/08/who_understands.html

If a tech minded person is serious about understanding the history of
the tech world, hackers, and OSS, I'd highly recommend Peter Wayners
"Free For All", http://www.wayner.org/books/ffa/. It's quite a well
written and detailed piece of work, not to mention it's Open.

Hello?  Enema Bondage?  I'm calling because I want to be happy, I
guess ...


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