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Re: Lawrence Lessig Talks Linux

__/ [ Rex Ballard ] on Saturday 19 August 2006 00:13 \__

> Scott Nudds wrote:
>> Mark Kent wrote:
>> > I'd personally like to see culture owned by "the people", of course,
>> > but I think that the networks have a long way to go before we get cost
>> > effective designs in place which can support streaming, messages and
>> > file transfer economically.
>>    But that's pure communism.
> Actually, I would call it democracy and free-market capitalism at it's
> best.
> We have a common framework or infrastructure, in which marketing
> opportunities and economic opportunities exist for numerous different
> commercial enterprises which don't have to fear the iron fist of a
> totalitarian dictator who will sabotage them into bankruptcy unless
> they submit to economic sacrifices which will put them into bankruptcy
> more slowly.
> We have an economic model which focuses on the END USER instead of
> letting some third-rate clerks with really poor negotiation skills sign
> the contracts that will subject hundreds of millions of end users to
> years of viruses, spam, crashes, hangs, spyware, pop-ups, and numerous
> other productivity hits, because Big Brother says he has no choice.  -
> - and you call that Communism.
> But I suppose to someone who supports economic monopolistic fascists,
> like the the crowd up there in Redmond, would see any threat to that
> totalitarian control as communism.
> Hitler's National Socialistic Party, once it gained totalitarian
> control over the state, sent most of those who supported the old
> Democracy, communism, and private enterprise capitalism.
>>    Fucking commie Linux Shit Lickers.
> Are you speaking as an official representative of Microsoft?
> I must say that I'm really impressed with the articulate expression of
> this new breed of WinTroll.  I'm sure that others will be equally
> impressed.
> ouch (sorry, I bit my tongue and cheek) :-D
> Zig Heil Bill Gates!!!
> Submit to the Gates of Hell!!  Don't Use Linux!!
> There, I got the Micrososft Religeon!!  (for about 2 seconds).
> Linux is also running on this machine.


Why do you feed this thing? It's not worth it. *smile* I noticed that Ghost
is doing the same thing. When fed, the creature will continue to 'noisify'
the group. There are two of those trolls at the moment. It's better to just

Best wishes,


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