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Re: [News] Lawrence Lessig Talks Linux

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [ Mark Kent ] on Thursday 17 August 2006 11:25 \__
>> begin  oe_protect.scr
>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>> __/ [ arachnid ] on Wednesday 16 August 2006 02:26 \__
>>>> On Wed, 16 Aug 2006 02:38:26 +0100, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>>>> An end run round copyright laws?
>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>> | What Linux has done for operating systems, the Internet should do
>>>>> | for content, a prominent lawyer and activist urged Tuesday.
>>>>> | 
>>>>> | [...]
>>>>> | 
>>>>> | Stanford Law School professor Lessig noted that Department of Justice
>>>>> | lawyers attacking Microsoft for its Windows monopoly fixated on IBM's
>>>>> | vanquished rival, OS/2. But Linux showed that decentralized,
>>>>> | nonproprietary operating systems were viable, he said.
>>>>> | 
>>>>> | [...]
>>>>> | 
>>>>> | Linux has demonstrated that it's possible to build operating systems
>>>>> | and software that lets customers bypass Microsoft's control. The
>>>>> | Creative Commons, Lessig hopes, will do the same in letting people
>>>>> | exchange content without reliance on entrenched media powers.
>>>>> `----
> http://news.com.com/An+end+run+round+copyright+laws/2100-1025_3-6105805.html
>>>> What Lessig is advocating is a return to what the Internet once was
>>>> before the greedmongers got hold of it. I wholeheartedly agree with
>>>> him.
>>> True.
>>> http://www.open4success.org/Olnews/index.html
>>>         ( Commercialisation of the Internet )
>>> Blogs appear to take some control back; others centralise information in
>>> community sites such as Slashdot and Digg. But you still have forces like
>>> Netscape/AOL (Digg copycat) Google, Yahoo (YouTube and Google Video/Yahoo
>>> Videos). Then, you have that goddamn Net neutrality, as well as attempts
>>> to tax VoIP (among other means of sabotaging emerging, disruptive
>>> technology).
>> There is a fundamental problem with trying to do voice & video streaming
>> across IP networks - basically, it's not going to work in any kind of
>> economically scalable fashion, because IP is connectionless.  You could
>> argue that local government could provide "last mile" connectivity, but
>> again, it's not necessarily inexpensive to do so.  Whilst serving eg.,
>> Manchester with multiple wifi hotspots could be practical (don't know
>> how many you'd need, but I imagine it would be in the thousands of them,
>> unless someone looks to change the rules on radiated power), but the
>> cost of providing it in the highlands of scotland, say?  Even 2G mobile
>> networks have patchy coverage in these areas, and 3G networks haven't
>> come close.
> But, Mark, aren't you jumping the gun or looking too far ahead here? I am not
> thinking about wireless VoIP. Yes, there were talks about municipal,
> Mancunian Wi-Fi and I have also been on that mailing lists for a few years.
> I beleve that Montain Point, CA (Google's mother ship's dock) is the first
> city to savour  reality of 'connectivity everywhere'. I heard about plans in
> London and Toronto as well...

I can see it being relatively easy to achieve in small cities with lower
population density, at least, until people start to actually use it.
Once people start to use it, then the congestion will build up, and the
connectionless nature of IP will likely reduce throughput to next to
nothing.  This technology is /not/ suitable for this usage.

> As for radiation, I gave up on cellphones 3+ years ago. I can't stand the
> thought about radiation*. And I still hate using somebody else's phone or be
> close to antennas and wireless routers.

> *260% percent more likely to develop brain tumour on the side of the head
> where phone is placed, assuming heavy use (one hour per day)

Use a bluetooth headset.  Then it won't be anywhere near your head.

>> I'd personally like to see culture owned by "the people", of course,
>> but I think that the networks have a long way to go before we get cost
>> effective designs in place which can support streaming, messages and
>> file transfer economically.
> I believe that Open Source culture will follow the way of Open Source
> software and the Freedom movements. I'm hoping that political parties will
> rise which represent this and embody these values (no. It's not communism.
> It's freedom). *smile* And I'm not thinking about the French pirate party...
> that's just sort of criminal/rebellious.

Well, a lot of political change starts with rebellious people :-)

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |

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