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Re: XenSource Talks About Microsoft, Xen Readiness

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> XenSource CEO Addresses Microsoft, Red Hat-Novell Dispute
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | CRN:  Some in open source community have criticized your partnership
> | with Microsoft. What's your response to that?

The problem here is that this deal then puts XenSource under the NDAs
and agenda of Microsoft, and dependent on Microsoft's funding.
Remember that Microsoft has already got Virtual PC, and that on DUO and
newer Intel and AMD-64 chips, you can run Windows XP as a xen client
without modifications.

Microsoft may be trying to push XenSource into supporting Windows as
the primary operating system.  It's Ironic that the Singularity
project, from the description on video by it's development team,
appears to be Linux and Xen implemented in C#.

It's funny that after all these years of Microsoft telling us that
Linux was "arcane technology that is as dead as the dinosours", that
they are now trying to implement the functional equivalent of Linux,
modprobe, SINE, CUPS, X11, ICCCM, and the Unix cluster and development
model, but using C# and with Microsoft taking total control of "ring
Zero", meaning that Vista or Singularity could not be run as a VM
client (except under Singularity).

> | Levine: I appreciate everyone's opinion. Our deal with Microsoft
> | substantiates everything that the open source community believes in and
> | that is Linux becomes a first class citizen in Microsoft's environment.

And there's the point.  Microsoft wants to own the environment, and
take the Xen infrastructure away from Linux.  VMWare has taken the
opposite tack, choosing to make Linux an integral part of their Virtual
Server based solution.

Microsoft isn't really happy with having Linux shared on the same box
with Windows or Vista, but if they must share, they want control over
the OEMs, IHVs, and ISVs, and being the primary OS is critical to that.

It's a real slap in the face of all of the Linux and UNIX oriented
contributors who assumed that they were contributing to a solution
which would make Linux the primary Operating System.  Now the CEO of
XenSource is trying to turn Xen into a solution which would make
Windows or Vista the primary operating system.

Virtualization is new, but if you betray thousands of developers and
supporters, they have a nasty habit of turning nasty on you.  Apache
was created largely in retaliation for the way the NCSA effectively
gave the code from Mosaic to Microsoft for a few million dollars,
reduculously small amount considering it became a critical element in a
$1 trillion/year industry.

When the DOJ waffled, those same developers contributed to Mozilla and
FireFox, which is now taking back the very market that was created by
the OSS in the first place.

> | The whole Linux movement now has been validated by Microsoft. That's
> | a big deal.

Microsoft embraces technology like an anaconda embraces a gazelle.

Look at what they did to Mosaic once they got it.  Gave us ActiveX
control viruses.
Look at what they did to TCP/IP - dhcp, ddns, smb, wins - an engraved
invitation to hackers, especially on FAT32 file systems. But then,
maybe the goal was to force us into NTFS (since Linux distributors
don't trust it).

> | CRN: You said during your keynote that Microsoft's hypervisor is in somew
> | ays similar to Xen. Is XenSource helping Microsoft develop its
> | Viridian virtualization hypervisor for the Windows Server?

> | Levine: No, we're helping Microsoft build the ability for Linux tob
> | etter work on Windows.
> `----

Put another way.  "All you thousands of contributors and supporters of
the Xen project who worked so hard and contributed so much time, money,
and resources to creating a system in which Linux was the primary
operating system and Windows or Vista was the client....  Bend over and
smile. >:-)

> http://www.crn.com/sections/breakingnews/breakingnews.jhtml?articleId=192202065&cid=CRNBreakingNews

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