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Re: Selling Linux PC Systems is almost impossible.

__/ [ ws ] on Tuesday 15 August 2006 09:05 \__

> Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> __/ [ alt ] on Tuesday 15 August 2006 08:26 \__
>>> On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 08:53:04 +0200, Hadron Quark wrote:
>>>> There is no need to post each headline as a seperate post.
>>> Who asked you? Just because I Don't reply to them doesn't mean I don't
>>> read the articles. And it's a lot easier to filter through what I may or
>>> may not want to read if each is a seperate post.
>>> Why don't you just filter out roy if this is such a problem for you?
>> 'Hadron' has not been in COLA for longer than a couple of weeks (unless he
>> changed E-mail address/+name). S/he doesn't know what proportion of the
>> posts came from inane posters like DFS and tab. He also hasn't seen the
>> volume of FUD that came from Erik Funkenbusch and the gang of Redmond
>> mouthpieces, such as Larry Qualig and some other ex-Microsofties. 'Noise'
>> seems to have been reduced to quite a few MS apologists like Tom Smith and
>> Oliver Wong. I can't speak for anybody else, but I enjoy COLA more than I
>> did last year.
> Actually, I spend proportionally *less* time in COLA than I did
> previously. Why? As Roy's posts attest, there is so much more mention of
> Linux in the mainstream now, it almost drowns out the trickle that is COLA!
> Keep posting them, Roy! I look forward to the day when COLA is rendered
> obsolete by the sheer ubiquitousness of Linux.

As Rex once said (paraphrasing here), COLA would be rendered insignificant
when Linux is up there on the shelf next to Windows.

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