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Re: [News] Analyst: Microsoft's Media Player Initiative a Bark, Not a Bite

In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 05:33:55 +0100
> Microsoft's Zune Portable Music Player Won't Bite Into Apple's IPod
> Popularity, Analyst Says
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | Microsoft Corp.'s much-anticipated Zune portable music player
> | appears "underwhelming" and could end up being "another classic case
> | of overpromising and underdelivering" by the world's biggest software
> | company, said an analyst for American Technology Research on
> | Wednesday.
> `----
> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/060830/microsoft_apple_analyst_note.html?.v=1
> Sounds just like the XBox 360, with high failure rates and colossal losses.

They probably should have named the silly thing Banana.  :-)
(Pear?  Orange?  Gold nugget?)

At least the 360 is starting to sell, though part of that
might be because the PS3 is late.  The good news:
is reporting at this moment that it's begun production.
(Actually, this is a month ago: 2006-07-20.)

So maybe it's not so late after all.  Christmas is coming. :-)


appears to be a Linux development effort for PS3's cell processor.
Good to see.

Might even be the default:


though it will probably be somewhat hidden from the casual gamer,
sort of like a cell phone or, if anyone remembers it, Commodore's
attempt at making the Amiga into a CD video device (the precise
name escapes me now).

#191, ewill3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Windows Vista.  Because it's time to refresh your hardware.  Trust us.

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