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[News] Vista Security - Worse than XP?

Microsoft bets big on Vista security

,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft's Vista developers can't catch a break these days. After years
| of warnings from security researchers that old code in Windows was
| creating security risks, the software giant decided to rewrite key parts
| of the operating system.
| The result? Last month, Symantec published a report suggesting all of
| this new code will introduce new security problems.
| "The network stack in Windows Vista was rewritten from the ground up.
| In deciding to rewrite the stack, Microsoft has removed a large body of
| tried and tested code and replaced it," Symantec wrote, noting that it
| found vulnerabilities in the Windows Vista networking software.
| "Despite the claims of Microsoft developers, the Windows Vista network
| stack as it exist today is less stable than the earlier Windows XP stack,"
| it said after examining a beta release of the software.
| After years of being blamed for countless security problems, Microsoft may
| be in a no-win situation. 


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