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Re: Boycott New York Times for Discriminating Against Linux

Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> http://images.linux.com/nyCAMclas.swf
> Video proving this. I noticed that quite some time ago, but linux.com goes as
> far as demonstrating this. MTV does the same, but then again, MTV is working
> hand in hand with Microsoft.

I'm not going to come down too hard on the New York Times.  Microsoft
drops $millions advertizing in their newspapers, and has placement
control over $millions more.  Microsoft also has control over any
content which features the Microsoft logos and trademarks.  Microsoft
can't really lock out Apple, because Gates knows that Apple could crush
Microsoft in a heartbeat if they were really confronted directly.

Remember, Steve Jobs was the only man Bill Gates ever felt he HAD to be
nice to.

Linus and the Linux distributions, on the other hand, don't insist on
trademark placement in these strategic locations.  It's possible that
Novell and Linspire might someday start that kind of pressure, but it's
not a "strategic issue".

Keep in mind that most Linux users know what does and does not work.
The New York Times can't say that their content with all versions of
Linux, because it does require the installation of Macromedia Flash
player, and many "Open Source Only" distributions will not include
Flash in their distributions.  I probably would work with Linspire and
SUSE because these distributors do include "binary only commercial"
software in their commercial distributions.

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