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Re: [News] Tom Yager Confirms: Windows Inherently Insecure

"[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx> wrote in message news:ief1s3-d6o.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

And how easy is it to get superuser (SYSTEM) privileges under Windows?

start -> run -> "at hh:mm /interactive cmd.exe"
] cd %WINDIR%"\..\System Volume Information"

Note: no password required .. at all.

Here's what I get when I try the latter:

C:\Documents and Settings\owong>cd %WINDIR%"\..\System Volume Information"
Access is denied.

C:\Documents and Settings\owong>

I haven't tried the former yet because this is the first time I've heard of the "at" command, and I'd rather experiment with it on my home PC than my work PC.

- Oliver

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