Oliver Wong wrote:
> "[H]omer" <spam@xxxxxxx> wrote in message news:ief1s3-d6o.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> And how easy is it to get superuser (SYSTEM) privileges under Windows?
>> start -> run -> "at hh:mm /interactive cmd.exe"
>> ] cd %WINDIR%"\..\System Volume Information"
>> etc.
>> Note: no password required .. at all.
> Here's what I get when I try the latter:
> <quote>
> C:\Documents and Settings\owong>cd %WINDIR%"\..\System Volume Information"
> Access is denied.
You need to type that in the cmd shell that opens from the above "at"
command, not one opened by a normal user (Administrator or otherwise).
I.e. follow the *whole* sequence.
You'll notice the window title is different too; normally it reads
"Command Prompt", but in this case it reads
"%WINDIR%\system32\svchost.exe", and the pwd is now %WINDIR%\system32,
rather than %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%. I.e. if Windows had such a thing as a
"whoami" command, it would likely return "SYSTEM", which is the
so-called LSA (Local System Account).
I just remembered that you can also express the "System Volume
Information" line above as %SYSTEMDRIVE%"\System Volume Information",
but that's actually longer (by two chars).
The point is, you can easily achieve SU privileges on XP without even a
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