__/ [ Mark Kent ] on Tuesday 22 August 2006 23:24 \__
> begin oe_protect.scr
> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>> Stupid operating systems or stupid operators?
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>| Frankly, Guy, you'll get no sympathy from me. You are aware that
>>| Microsoft's producst are all flawed, and terribly engineered from a
>>| user standpoint, and yet you persist in using them.
>>| This is doubly silly, since I am quite certain you are aware that there
>>| are alternatives to Microsoft's products which are not only superior
>>| in engineering, but free of cost.
>>| There is quite literally nothing that a writer should ever need to do
>>| with a computer which requires Microsoft products. Open your mind!
>> `----
>> http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/08/22/letters_2208/
> Quite fascinating to notice that so many of the common design errors and
> flaws in Windows which Linux does not suffer from are being noted by the
> average users and average admins. The world is increasinly ready for
> change, I'll wager.
Assuming you have not read other threads, I can confirm that the world is
prepared for change. If a former car salesman can install and get along with
Ubuntu at the age of 77, then you know Linux has become easy. Now it's just
a question of importing the data (e.g. address books) from those proprietary
formats. Lockins are a barrier.
You know, Microsoft never took those twelve tenets seriously. But it doesn't
surprise me. One of the tenets (or headings) had to do with giving way to
competition. As Vista proves with its reluctance to read and accept the MBR
(Linux partitions), Microsoft is as aggressive as ever. It literally
destroys the competition whenever it gets the chance. The MBR writer is
viral by design. It's no innocent mistake. How about that prompt which
suggest reformatting an 'unrocognised partition' when you tap on your Linux
paritition in Windows? Again, viral by design!