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Re: [News] PlayStation 3's with Linux Preinstalled Have Begun Being Shipped

On 2006-12-06, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> PLAYSTATION®3 (with Linux)
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| # Game OS + Yellow Dog Linux pre-installed.
>| # Yellow Dog Linux DVD package, Guide to Installation, sticker, & flippy.
>| # 20GB or 60GB drive.
>| # Cell processor with 256MB RAM on-board (no expansion).
>| # Gigabit ethernet.
>| # Dual USB.
>| # Compact Flash, Memory Stick, and SD-RAM card slots.
>| # Blueray DVD.               ( <--- worth the cost for that one alone )
>| ...
> `----
> http://www.terrasoftsolutions.com/store/index.php?submit=hardware&submitimg[hardware][sony]=1

Nonsense.  The correct title for that post should have been
"Downpayments being accepted on PlayStation 3's with Linux

As they clearly state on that site:

    While our distributor states units should be available near the
    close of Q1 (March/April) 2007, the delivery date of your PS3 will
    NOT be quoted. By placing your order through this form, you are
    committing your downpayment toward the receipt of a PS3 independent
    of the time it may take to deliver this unit to you. 

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