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KNode - December 1st - December 10th 2006

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01 Dec Re: [News] Damn Small Linux Scores 5 out of 5
02 Dec Re: [News] Novell Shakes Regulation Off Microsoft's Neck
03 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Linux 10.2 Released, IP Tax Covered
03 Dec Re: [News] Acer 'Windows Tax' Refund - Work in Progress
04 Dec Re: [News] Novell Helps OpenDocument Sabotage, Supports Microsoft
04 Dec Re: [News] Windows Software Helps the Spies
04 Dec Re: [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind
04 Dec Re: [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind
05 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft UK: Buying from Microsoft for Patriotism?
07 Dec Re: [Linux] If you can't be usefull, be obnoxious

Alexander Terekhov

07 Dec Re: [News] Novell Aiding Microsoft at Worst of Times


01 Dec Re: [News] Linux Magazine Xmas Shopping Guide


01 Dec Re: [News] The High Value of Linux in Smaller Businesses
01 Dec Re: [News] GPLv3 Draft Mended
02 Dec Re: [News] Piracy Still Microsoft's Best Friend
04 Dec Re: Microsoft: Indiana Schools Still Favor Windows
06 Dec Re: [News] Only 6% of Business Computer in the States Can Run Vista Premium
06 Dec Re: [News] NEC Laptop Offers Linux Choice
06 Dec Re: [News] Analyst: Oracle's Red Hat Ripoff Still Unproven
07 Dec Re: [News] Novell Aiding Microsoft at Worst of Times


01 Dec Re: [News] SCO is Finished

B Gruff

06 Dec Re: [News] More Lies from the BSA Derail National Open Source Bill
06 Dec Re: [News] Only 6% of Business Computer in the States Can Run Vista Premium
10 Dec Re: [News] Holland's New Open Source Policy Translated to English


01 Dec Re: [News] Linux Kernel Approaching Perfection
04 Dec Re: [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind
04 Dec Re: [News] "My Computer Will Never Boot Windows Again"
04 Dec Re: IE7 always uses www.msn.com as its home page
04 Dec Re: [News] Vista Piracy Has Begun
04 Dec Re: [News] Novell Helps OpenDocument Sabotage, Supports Microsoft
05 Dec Re: [News] Ubuntu Multimedia Center Site is Officially Launched
05 Dec Re: [News] Oracle Code = Swiss Cheese (No Eyeballs on Code)
05 Dec Re: [News] SCO's Web Site Badly Maintained
05 Dec Re: [News] Anti-Virus Software Does Not Alwayd Work
05 Dec Re: [News] StarOffice (Commercial OpenOffice) Scores 5 Out of 5
06 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Creative Commons Violation
06 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft to Buy $36 Billion-worth of Its Stock for Artificial Boost
08 Dec Re: [News] LinuxBIOS Ready to Go

Black Dragon

04 Dec Statistics for comp.os.linux.advocacy, 04 Dec 2006


03 Dec Looking for a Firefox extension


06 Dec Re: PlayStation 3's with Linux Preinstalled Have Begun Being Shipped
07 Dec Re: An open letter to Roy Schestowitz
10 Dec Re: The FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III
10 Dec Re: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceeding 10-12-06

Donn Miller

01 Dec Re: [News] Chances of a GNU/Solaris in the Future?
07 Dec Re: [News] Why Microsoft Open XML is a Scam
10 Dec Re: [News] Serious Vista Bugs Begin to Emerge


03 Dec Re: [News] America Unprepared for Vista, Says Study
03 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Pushes Its Proprietary PDF Rival
03 Dec Re: [News] It's Official: Microsoft Bricked XBox 360 Failures (and Keeps Quiet About It)
03 Dec Re: [News] Killer Applications for Linux
03 Dec Re: [News] 101 Reasons Java Beats .NET
03 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Pushes Its Proprietary PDF Rival
04 Dec Re: [News] MySQL Picks Another Award
04 Dec Re: [News] 5 Mail/Groupware Servers that Are Open Source (Usually Free and Linux-based Too)
07 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft's Instant Messenger Still Does Not Interoperate
09 Dec Re: [News] Google Starts Another Pro-Firefox Campaign
09 Dec Re: [News] BetaNews Pessimistic Over MS Zune
10 Dec Re: [News] British Government Wants Source Code, Not Binary Blobs
10 Dec Re: [News] .Net in Linux Declines - Good News for Open Source

Erik Funkenbusch

01 Dec Re: [News] Gates Foundation and Microsoft Give Free Software as 'Charity'?
01 Dec Re: [News] Vista Already Exposed to Security Threats
01 Dec Re: [News] ActiveX (IE) Exposes Adobe Software and Windows to Hijackers ("Critical" Vulnerability)
04 Dec Re: [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind
05 Dec Re: [News] Five Reason Office 2007 is Not Worth It
05 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Unveils Anti-standards Web Design Tool, Takes Aim at Cross-platform Flash
06 Dec Re: [News] Only 6% of Business Computer in the States Can Run Vista Premium
06 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft's Web Design Can't Even Handle Itself
06 Dec Re: [News] More 'Innovation' from Microsoft Corp. (Another Steal)
06 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Admits Its New File Formats Lead to a Mess, Lock People Out
07 Dec Re: [News] The Story Behind Vista in a Nutshell
07 Dec Re: [News] Why Microsoft Open XML is a Scam
07 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Creative Commons Violation
07 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Unveils Anti-standards Web Design Tool, Takes Aim at Cross-platform Flash
08 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Books Search - Where Are All the Linux Books?
08 Dec Re: [News] Proof that Security is NOT a Binary Condition
10 Dec Re: [News] Serious Vista Bugs Begin to Emerge


01 Dec Re: [News] BitTorrent Gets $20 Million Financial Boost (Good News for Linux Downloads?)
01 Dec Re: [News] Linux Magazine Xmas Shopping Guide
01 Dec Re: [News] New Automatic Updates Brick XBox 360's
03 Dec Re: [News] Review of Pardus Linux
04 Dec Re: [News] Linux Users Apathetic, Windows Users Fearful Due to Vista
07 Dec Re: [News] China Develops Own Linux-compatible O/S
08 Dec Re: [News] Battery Drain in Windows Vista
08 Dec Re: [News] Proof that Security is NOT a Binary Condition
10 Dec Re: COLA Stats 10 Dec 2006
10 Dec Re: The FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III
10 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
10 Dec Re: [News] Linux Users Apathetic, Windows Users Fearful Due to Vista

Geico Caveman

03 Dec Re: [News] Windows Vista No Threat to Accelerating Linux Adoption
04 Dec Re: [News] Review of Pardus Linux


08 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Locks in French Viewers

Hadron Quark

01 Dec Re: [News] Corel to Support OpenDocument Format
03 Dec Re: [News] Vista Disassembled to Become More Manageable?
04 Dec Re: [News] It's Official: Microsoft Bricked XBox 360 Failures (and Keeps Quiet About It)
06 Dec Re: [News] IBM Upgrades Dev Tools; Programmers Flocking to Linux and Java
06 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft's Web Design Can't Even Handle Itself
08 Dec Re: [News] OpenSUSE 10.2 Final Comes to Mirrors
08 Dec Re: Linux Books and Distro Choice (Was: help help help)
09 Dec Re: [News] Battery Drain in Windows Vista
09 Dec Re: [News] Proof that Security is NOT a Binary Condition
10 Dec Re: COLA Stats 10 Dec 2006
10 Dec Re: Click on the beeb
10 Dec Re: [News] Linux Users Apathetic, Windows Users Fearful Due to Vista

Handover Phist

06 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft's Web Design Can't Even Handle Itself

High Plains Thumper

07 Dec Re: [News] Why Microsoft Open XML is a Scam
07 Dec Re: [News] Siemens Among Those Who invest in MontaVista (Linux)
09 Dec Re: [News] Novell: Freedom to Slavery
09 Dec Re: [News] Proof that Security is NOT a Binary Condition
09 Dec Re: [News] The Reason American Hardware Needs to Brace Open Source
09 Dec Re: [News] Siemens Among Those Who invest in MontaVista (Linux)
09 Dec Re: [News] Long Review of Opensuse 10.2 (with Screenshots)
09 Dec Re: IBM votes NO on Open XML in ECMA

Ian Semmel

02 Dec Cols's Shut Pants Over Vista
05 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Unveils Anti-standards Web Design Tool, Takes Aim at Cross-platform Flash
09 Dec Re: [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
09 Dec Re: [News] Paying for Software Acquisition -- Antiquated Notion
09 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
09 Dec Re: [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
10 Dec Re: [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
10 Dec Re: [News] Is Windows Live Officially a Dead-end Project?

Jerry McBride

04 Dec Re: [News] It's Official: Microsoft Bricked XBox 360 Failures (and Keeps Quiet About It)
05 Dec Re: Wintel Being Left Behind as AMD Quad Core Takes Crown
10 Dec Re: [News] .Net in Linux Declines - Good News for Open Source
10 Dec Re: [News] .Net in Linux Declines - Good News for Open Source

Johan De Cauwer

04 Dec Re: [News] Novell, Microsoft, and the Implications for Opensuse Devs

John A. Bailo

02 Dec Re: [News] Novell Shakes Regulation Off Microsoft's Neck
02 Dec Re: Microsoft's Courtroom Flashback
02 Dec Re: [News] SCO Takes Another Dives, Down 32%
02 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Marketing - Funny Observations
09 Dec Re: [News] The Reason American Hardware Needs to Brace Open Source
09 Dec Re: [News] It's OpenDocument Format in Massachusetts Next Month
09 Dec Re: [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
10 Dec Re: [News] Pro-Open Source Lobbying in Thailand Works!
10 Dec Re: Microsoft's Evolution is Too Slow and GNUgle Steals Its Show (NYT)
10 Dec Re: [News] .Net in Linux Declines - Good News for Open Source

John Bailo

01 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Chooses Stadium to Hype Up Release
03 Dec Re: [News] More Games Being Ported to Linux
03 Dec Re: 101 Reasons Java Beats .NET
03 Dec Re: [News] It's Official: Microsoft Bricked XBox 360 Failures (and Keeps Quiet About It)
03 Dec Re: [News] It's Official: Microsoft Bricked XBox 360 Failures (and Keeps Quiet About It)
05 Dec Re: [News] Novell Forks OpenOffice, Redefines Free Open Source Software
06 Dec Re: [News] Green Party Accuses Microsoft of "Unacceptable Bribery" in OLPC Project
07 Dec Re: [News] US 'Innovation' Panel Excludes Small Companies, Could Encourage Software Patents
08 Dec Re: [News] Earthlink May Lose up to 90% of E-mail, Microspam Windows to Blame?
09 Dec Re: [News] Forbes: Nintendo Wiill Wiin Console War

Kelsey Bjarnason

01 Dec Re: Vista adoption to outpace Windows XP, says paid bullshitter
01 Dec Re: [News] Vista (without Restrictions) in Holland: $723
01 Dec Re: [News] Internet Explorer So Broken That Users Require Multiple Versions (in Tandem)
01 Dec Re: Photos and Screenshots of the Official Linux on the PS3


01 Dec Re: [News] Technalign Chooses Kubuntu
01 Dec Re: [News] Linux Magazine Xmas Shopping Guide

Larry Qualig

04 Dec Re: Tech.Blorge Thinks Windows Vista is Just RELEASE CANDIDATE 3
04 Dec Re: Wintel Being Left Behind as AMD Quad Core Takes Crown
07 Dec Re: Ballmer Discusses Microsoft's Poor Christmas
07 Dec Re: Adobe Keeps Promise and Releases Linux S/W at Same Time as Proprietary Platforms
07 Dec Re: Business as Usual at OSDL
07 Dec Re: Adobe Keeps Promise and Releases Linux S/W at Same Time as Proprietary Platforms
07 Dec Re: PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
07 Dec Re: Reasons Windows (Still) Requires Defragging

Liam Slider

06 Dec Re: [News] Green Party Accuses Microsoft of "Unacceptable Bribery" in OLPC Project
06 Dec Re: [News] Green Party Accuses Microsoft of "Unacceptable Bribery" in OLPC Project
07 Dec Re: [News] Out-of-the-box Eye Candy (XGL) in Linux Flash Drive (USB)

Mark Kent

01 Dec Re: [News] Another Linux Tablet from Nokia Rumoured
01 Dec Re: [News] Hell Has Frozen Over
01 Dec Re: [News] Novell Makes Linux Server More Windows-aware
01 Dec Re: [News] Rating Free and Open Source Projects, Linux is Third
01 Dec Re: [News] Internet Explorer Rants Over Standards, Bad IU
01 Dec Re: [News] Pakistan Shows Interest in $100 Linux Laptops
01 Dec Re: [News] Zune, XBox, Vista Still Just Catch-up
01 Dec Re: [News] Internet Explorer So Broken That Users Require Multiple Versions (in Tandem)
01 Dec Re: [News] New Automatic Updates Brick XBox 360's
02 Dec Re: [News] Piracy Still Microsoft's Best Friend
02 Dec Re: BSoD's Come to Linux Through Win4Lin
03 Dec Re: [News] Dell Sells a 2.8GHz Box for $199, WITHOUT O/S
03 Dec Re: [News] eBay and PayPal Moving from Microsoft IIS to Apache
03 Dec Re: [News] Futurist Suggests Taking Education Online (with FOSS?)
03 Dec Re: [News] Good Review of YD Linux on the PlayStation 3 (with Pretty Screenshots)
03 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Marketing - Funny Observations
03 Dec Re: [News] Novell Plays Microsoft's Way
03 Dec Re: [News] Proof That, With Linux, Countries Take Control of Own Software
03 Dec Re: [News] Vista Disassembled to Become More Manageable?
03 Dec Re: [News] Linux Eye Candy - Even a 2-year-old Can Manage It (Video)
04 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Linux 10.2 Released, IP Tax Covered
05 Dec Re: [News] Vista Piracy Has Begun
06 Dec Re: [News] Windows Insecurities Get School Computers Confiscated
07 Dec Re: An open letter to Roy Schestowitz
07 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Unveils Anti-standards Web Design Tool, Takes Aim at Cross-platform Flash
07 Dec Re: [News] Novell a Victim of Its Own Stupidity; Falls Short of Expectations
07 Dec Re: [News] (K)Ubuntu with Out-of-the-box Beryl and Proprietary Drivers Reaches Alpha
07 Dec Re: [News] American Government Tries to Change Indian IP Laws, Monopolies Lobbying
07 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Hires People to Promote MSN in Blogs (Blog SPAM)
07 Dec Re: [News] Novell-Microsoft Formats Agreement a One-Way Trap
07 Dec Re: [News] Out-of-the-box Eye Candy (XGL) in Linux Flash Drive (USB)
07 Dec Re: [News] Report: DRM, IP Can Hinder and Stifle Innovation
07 Dec Re: [News] Siemens Among Those Who invest in MontaVista (Linux)
07 Dec Re: [News] Yahoo & Rueters Adopt Open Source (or Citizen) Journalism Concept
07 Dec Re: [News] America Explains Why Non-US Countries Should Use Open Source Programs (and Avoid Microsoft)
08 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
08 Dec Re: [News] Battery Drain in Windows Vista
08 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Books Search - Where Are All the Linux Books?
08 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Locks in French Viewers
08 Dec Re: [News] OSDL's Mission was Accomplished
08 Dec Re: [News] Tivoization of Office Files and Novell's Help
09 Dec Re: [News] Forbes: Nintendo Wiill Wiin Console War
09 Dec Re: [News] Linux-based Gateway Introduced by Collax
09 Dec Re: Windows for the OLPC
09 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available

Mathew P.

08 Dec Re: [News] Spying on PC's Could Increase


01 Dec Re: [News] What Happens When a Vulnerable O/S is Put in Mission-critical Setting?
06 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3's with Linux Preinstalled Have Begun Being Shipped
10 Dec Re: COLA Stats 10 Dec 2006

Nedd Ludd

06 Dec An open letter to Roy Schestowitz


08 Dec Re: [News] Battery Drain in Windows Vista


03 Dec Re: Microsoft Still Trying to Directly Sabotage Linux Migrations

Oliver Wong

01 Dec Re: [News] Photos and Screenshots of the Official Linux on the PS3

Peter KÃhlmann

03 Dec Re: [News] Open Source Virtualisation Becoming the Standard?


10 Dec Re: Microsoft Anti-Linux FUD Raised a Notch, Invades Slashdot


06 Dec Microsoft: 1M Zunes to be sold by June [Was: [News] After the High Investment and Hype, Zune Sinks]

Quantum Leaper

07 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
08 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
08 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony

Ramon F Herrera

06 Dec Re: SCO's Staff Jumping Ship While Web Site Gets Neglected
06 Dec Re: Microsoft Admits Its New File Formats Lead to a Mess, Lock People Out

Rex Ballard

01 Dec Re: SCO is Out of the Picture
02 Dec Re: BSoD's Come to Linux Through Win4Lin
03 Dec Re: 101 Reasons Java Beats .NET
06 Dec Re: Microsoft Makes OpenOffice 'Dangerous'
06 Dec Re: China Departs from Microsoft Office Formats
07 Dec Re: An open letter to Roy Schestowitz
09 Dec Re: Microsoft Gives Kerala (Linux Nation) Freebies
09 Dec Re: How Hollywood's Obsession with Closed Systems Jeopardises US Economy
09 Dec Re: Study: Vista's Minimum Hardware Requirement are Bollox (As Always)
10 Dec Re: .Net in Linux Declines - Good News for Open Source


04 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Linux 10.2 Released, IP Tax Covered
04 Dec Re: [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind

Rob Hughes

04 Dec Re: [News] Wintel Being Left Behind as AMD Quad Core Takes Crown

Robert Newson

07 Dec Re: [News] How Microsoft Makes Linux More Expensive

Ron House

01 Dec Re: [News] Corel to Support OpenDocument Format


03 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Still Trying to Directly Sabotage Linux Migrations

Roy Culley

02 Dec Re: [News] Miserable Windows Live OneCare Failure
03 Dec COLA Stats 3 Dec 06
09 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Seeks to Get a Chokehold on Television
10 Dec COLA Stats 10 Dec 2006
10 Dec Re: [News] BetaNews Pessimistic Over MS Zune
10 Dec Re: Microsoft Anti-Linux FUD Raised a Notch, Invades Slashdot
10 Dec Re: COLA Stats 10 Dec 2006
10 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
10 Dec Re: [News] Serious Vista Bugs Begin to Emerge

Roy Schestowitz

01 Dec [News] Another Linux Tablet from Nokia Rumoured
01 Dec [News] Puppy Linux on a USB Stick, with a GUI
01 Dec [News] Linux Eye Candy - Even a 2-year-old Can Manage It (Video)
01 Dec [News] On Open Source Frauds
01 Dec [News] $9 Billion Energy Company to Embrace Open Source Methods
01 Dec [News] Microsoft's Cunning Plan and Novell's Ignorance
01 Dec [News] SCO is Finished
01 Dec [News] Rating Free and Open Source Projects, Linux is Third
01 Dec [News] Linutop Becomes a Hot Trend? It Gets a Clone
01 Dec [News] Novell Makes Linux Server More Windows-aware
01 Dec [News] If It Doesn't Sell Itself, Use Brainwash
01 Dec [News] Gates Foundation and Microsoft Give Free Software as 'Charity'?
01 Dec [News] Analogy: Linux Advocacy and Diet
01 Dec [News] Patent Trolls Don't Fit in Education
01 Dec [News] Vista Already Exposed to Security Threats
01 Dec [News] Linux Standardisation Rev'ed Up; More Companies Embrace Open Source
01 Dec [News] Linux Standardisation Rev'ed Up; More Companies Embrace Open Source
01 Dec [News] Open Source is All About Trust
01 Dec [News] Pakistan Shows Interest in $100 Linux Laptops
01 Dec [News] ActiveX (IE) Exposes Adobe Software and Windows to Hijackers ("Critical" Vulnerability)
01 Dec [News] Damn Small Linux Scores 5 out of 5
01 Dec [News] Linux Kernel Approaching Perfection
01 Dec [News] Chances of a GNU/Solaris in the Future?
01 Dec [News] Analysis of the Linux-Microsoft Relationship
01 Dec [News] Matthew Aslett Argues That SCO Still Plays a Role
01 Dec [News] Review of Linux with Alternative File Structure
01 Dec [News] Europe to Get Different 'Vista'
01 Dec [News] Eclectic Rants Du Jour (or "Why Linux is Still Better")
01 Dec Re: Analysis of the Linux-Microsoft Relationship
01 Dec [News] Benchmarks of Linux on the Playstation 3
01 Dec [News] GNOME User's Impression/Analysis of KDE
01 Dec [News] Speculating Linux on the Zune
01 Dec [News] Modified Wikipedia Page (List) on Linux Adoption
01 Dec [News] Adoption Hurdles for Windows
01 Dec [News] SUn's Simon Phipps on GPLv3 and Sun/Solaris
01 Dec [News] RIM's Trolling a Catalyst for Software Patents System Reform
01 Dec [News] Roundup: Linux Adoption in European Government
01 Dec [News] Photos and Screenshots of the Official Linux on the PS3
01 Dec [News] The High Value of Linux in Smaller Businesses
01 Dec [News] New Maya Release Available for GNU/Linux 32/64 bit
01 Dec [News] Is Novell Microsoft's Victim or Suddenly Its Friend (to be Victimised Again)?
01 Dec [News] What Happens When a Vulnerable O/S is Put in Mission-critical Setting?
01 Dec [News] Killer App Coming to Linux-based Internet Tablet
01 Dec [News] Windows Vista Not Ready to Be Secure
01 Dec [News] US Supreme Court Finally Seems to Favour Patent System Revision
01 Dec [News] Microsoft Chooses Stadium to Hype Up Release
01 Dec [News] Microsoft Still Stangnant in India
01 Dec [News] Technalign Chooses Kubuntu
01 Dec [News] Businesses Won't Embrace Vista Until SP1, But SP1 Not Coming...
01 Dec [News] Open Source (GPL) Combats Censorship
01 Dec [News] Vista Won't Be Enough to Challenge GNU/Linux
01 Dec [News] Linux Magazine Xmas Shopping Guide
01 Dec [News] BitTorrent Gets $20 Million Financial Boost (Good News for Linux Downloads?)
01 Dec [News] Growth for Red Hat and JBoss
01 Dec [News] Red Hat Strengthens Presence in Asia
01 Dec [News] The Latest from an Isolated Novell
01 Dec [News] Oracle and the Intellectual Property/Patent Impact on Red Hat, Linux
01 Dec [News] Piracy Still Microsoft's Best Friend
01 Dec [News] Convincing a British MP to Support Open Source Software (and Linux) in Education
01 Dec [News] GPLv3 Draft Mended
01 Dec [News] Ballmer: Vista = 5+ Years Waiting, But Only 2 Years of Actual Work
01 Dec [News] Windows Vista Less Than Meets the Eye, Insecure on Arrival
01 Dec [News] Zune, XBox, Vista Still Just Catch-up
01 Dec [News] Internet Explorer So Broken That Users Require Multiple Versions (in Tandem)
01 Dec [News] New Automatic Updates Brick XBox 360's
01 Dec Re: [News] Linux Eye Candy - Even a 2-year-old Can Manage It (Video)
02 Dec Re: Happy Feet - Linux Propaganda
02 Dec [News] SCO Takes Another Dives, Down 32%
02 Dec [News] Puppy Linux Honoured in Philippines
02 Dec [News] Fedora "Zod" Gets Live CD (Beta); Red Hat Hiring for Fedora
02 Dec [News] German Game of the Year (2005) to Get Native Linux Version?
02 Dec [News] OpenOffice.org Rewards Community for Contributions
02 Dec [News] Discussion: Is Linux the Future?
02 Dec [News] eBay and PayPal Moving from Microsoft IIS to Apache
02 Dec [News] Linux and OEM's in 2007
02 Dec [News] Novell Shakes Regulation Off Microsoft's Neck
02 Dec [News] New Site: Open School Alliance; Big Progress in UK
02 Dec Re: [News] SCO Takes Another Dives, Down 32%
02 Dec Re: Microsoft's Courtroom Flashback
02 Dec [News] Switching to Linux Through Free Open Source Applications for Linux
02 Dec [News] Win4Lin Releases Version 3.5 (Pro), Eases Full Migrations to GNU/Linux
02 Dec [News] IBM Touts 2,500 Linux Applications for POWER
02 Dec [News] CNET's 5 Things to Hate in Windows Vista
02 Dec [News] Dell Sells a 2.8GHz Box for $199, WITHOUT O/S
02 Dec [News] Digital Presenvation - Yet Another Case for FOSS Adoption
02 Dec [News] Copyrights Mess - Case for FOSS and Open Standards
02 Dec [News] Good Review of YD Linux on the PlayStation 3 (with Pretty Screenshots)
02 Dec [News] Microsoft Marketing - Funny Observations
02 Dec [News] Petition Just Created to Ban DRM in the United Kingdom
02 Dec Re: Microsoft's Courtroom Flashback
02 Dec Re: Poster Tags
02 Dec Re: Poster Tags
02 Dec [News] Windows Needs 64-bit Archs, But Still Unprepared
02 Dec [News] BSoD's Come to Linux Through Win4Lin
02 Dec [News] Miserable Windows Live OneCare Failure
02 Dec [News] IT Department Afraid of Windows Vista
02 Dec [News] Vista's UAC (Admin/Privilege Control) Still Futile
02 Dec [News] Many Publishers Confirm: Vista Not Ready for Business
02 Dec [News] Patent on "Media Download" and 'Internationalisation' of Patents
02 Dec [News] ParallelKnoppix 2.0 is Released (Free Linux on Clusters)
02 Dec [News] MS Visual Basic Suddenly Drops 35%, Java (GPL) Flourishes
02 Dec [News] The Importance of Free Open Source in Education
02 Dec [News] Microsoft Spreads Linux/OSS FUD in IT Departments, Shops
02 Dec [News] Open Source Comes Everywhere, Encourages Collaboration
02 Dec [News] KDE Marks OpenUsability Milestone
03 Dec [News] NEC to Adopt Linux Stack
03 Dec [News] 10 Reasons to Switch to Linux (from a Former Windows User's Perspective)
03 Dec [News] Linux Comes to Bars and Restaurants
03 Dec [News] Accessing Linux Partitions from Win32 Made Easier
03 Dec [News] Windows Vista No Threat to Accelerating Linux Adoption
03 Dec [News] More Games Being Ported to Linux
03 Dec [News] Review of the Latest Xandros Linux
03 Dec [News] Company Lets Wi-Fi Patent Lawsuits Fly
03 Dec [News] Connecting Windows Vista to the Internet "Not Wise"
03 Dec [News] Futurist Suggests Taking Education Online (with FOSS?)
03 Dec [News] Iowa Hears About Microsoft Conspiracies, Retaliations, Fight Against Competitors
03 Dec [News] GParted 0.3.2 Released; Free Software Magazine Issue Too
03 Dec [News] Development for Linux Gets Boost from IBM
03 Dec [News] Gaming is a Reality in Mobile Linux
03 Dec [News] Novell Plays Microsoft's Way
03 Dec [News] Open Source Software Targetted at Governments
03 Dec [News] Linux Success Story (Case Study) and Microsoft's Hand on the Issue
03 Dec [News] Study: Linux Gets Heavy Corporate Investments
03 Dec [News] Open Source Virtualisation Becoming the Standard?
03 Dec [News] Microsoft Still Trying to Directly Sabotage Linux Migrations
03 Dec [News] Proof That, With Linux, Countries Take Control of Own Software
03 Dec [News] Malware from 2004 Puts Vista in Jeopardy
03 Dec [News] Vista Turnoffs Reported by Users, Reviewers
03 Dec [News] December Issue of Linux Gazette Released
03 Dec [News] Vista Disassembled to Become More Manageable?
03 Dec [News] Zune Pre-Xmas Deadline Has a Price -- Lets the Customer Do the Beta Testing
03 Dec [News] InformationWeek on Microsoft's Steady Decline in Search
03 Dec [News] Marriott Boots Microsoft Out of Hotel
03 Dec [News] Microsoft Pushes Its Proprietary PDF Rival
03 Dec [News] Botnets/zombies Attack Hits OpenDNS
03 Dec [News] America Unprepared for Vista, Says Study
03 Dec [News] Novell Goes on the Attack Against SCO
03 Dec [News] "My Computer Will Never Boot Windows Again"
03 Dec [News] Evil Myths - Linux on Laptops
03 Dec [News] Killer Applications for Linux
03 Dec [News] Another Open Source iPod Competitor?
03 Dec [News] Acer 'Windows Tax' Refund - Work in Progress
03 Dec [News] 'Open Source Google Earth' (World Wind) Coming to Linux
03 Dec [News] 101 Reasons Java Beats .NET
03 Dec [News] TuX Magazine Gives 1 Free Copy of Any Magazine
03 Dec [News] Novell Opened Its Doors to Divide and Conquer Strategy
03 Dec [News] It's Official: Microsoft Bricked XBox 360 Failures (and Keeps Quiet About It)
03 Dec [News] Microsoft Linux 10.2 Released, IP Tax Covered
03 Dec [News] MySQL Picks Another Award
03 Dec [News] Linux Expo Opens for Registration; Spying Embraces Openness
03 Dec [News] Review of Pardus Linux
03 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Linux 10.2 Released, IP Tax Covered
03 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Linux 10.2 Released, IP Tax Covered
04 Dec Re: IE7 always uses www.msn.com as its home page
04 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Linux 10.2 Released, IP Tax Covered
04 Dec [News] Beware the Office 2007 Lockins
04 Dec [News] Wintel Being Left Behind as AMD Quad Core Takes Crown
04 Dec [News] GPL-Licensed Java Well Overdue
04 Dec [News] Life is Sweet with Ubuntu Linux
04 Dec [News] Novell, Microsoft, and the Implications for Opensuse Devs
04 Dec [News] Google Grabs Software Away from Desktop (to Platform-'Agnosticity')
04 Dec [News] Iona Chooses Open Source, to Profit from Services & Support
04 Dec [News] Why Microsoft's Open XML is a Joke
04 Dec [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind
04 Dec [News] IBM Could 'Steal' the Market with Linux
04 Dec [News] OpenArea 0.6.0 Release; Available for GNU/Linux
04 Dec [News] Vista Piracy Has Begun
04 Dec [News] Is Yahoo Anti-Firefox?
04 Dec [News] Security Concerns for Vista Already Emerge
04 Dec [News] Ubuntu with Out-of-the-box Beryl/XGL, Winmodem Support
04 Dec [News] Wide Linux Adoption is Inevitable
04 Dec [News] Korea Uses Linux in Genome Project (for High Performance, Not Price)
04 Dec [News] Linux Customisability Enables Tuning for better Performance
04 Dec [News] Migration to Linux in Iranian Government?
04 Dec [News] Firm Predicts Growth for Open Source Software in e-Learning
04 Dec [News] Upgrade to Firefox the Better Solution Because IE7 Can Lead to Chaos
04 Dec [News] Tech.Blorge Thinks Windows Vista is Just XP Service Pack 3
04 Dec [News] Linux Users Apathetic, Windows Users Fearful Due to Vista
04 Dec [News] Vista Targets Wrong Crowd, Offers Eye Candy, Perils Productivity
04 Dec [News] Slashdot's Windows Privacy/Security Rants
04 Dec Re: [News] Linux Users Apathetic, Windows Users Fearful Due to Vista
04 Dec Re: IE7 always uses www.msn.com as its home page
04 Dec Re: [News] Beware the Office 2007 Lockins
04 Dec Re: [News] Vista Targets Wrong Crowd, Offers Eye Candy, Perils Productivity
04 Dec Re: [News] Tech.Blorge Thinks Windows Vista is Just XP Service Pack 3
04 Dec Re: [News] Review of Pardus Linux
04 Dec Re: [News] MySQL Picks Another Award
04 Dec Re: Microsoft: Indiana Schools Still Favor Windows
04 Dec [News] Windows Software Helps the Spies
04 Dec [News] Novell Helps OpenDocument Sabotage, Supports Microsoft
04 Dec [News] Reviewer Calls Ubuntu Linux "an Ideal Windows Replacement"
04 Dec [News] Beryl/XGL Out of the Box with Live DVD (not Kororaa)
04 Dec [News] Patents Shill Gets Soapbox on CNET (Microsoft Affiliated)
04 Dec [News] OpenDocument Format (ODF) Officially Published
04 Dec Re: [News] Tech.Blorge Thinks Windows Vista is Just XP Service Pack 3
04 Dec Re: [News] Vista Piracy Has Begun
04 Dec Re: US Embassy gets Open Source decision reversed ..
04 Dec [News] Linux Gets Development Plug-in from Wind River
04 Dec [News] NBC Finally Departs from Microsoft's Turf
04 Dec [News] Everyone Can Switch to Linux These Days...
04 Dec [News] XBox Still Struggles to Beat Playstation 2
04 Dec [News] UBmatric Ambraces & Praises Open Source Paradigm
04 Dec [News] INQ Benchmark: Vista Memory Requirements - Steep, Steep, Steep
04 Dec [News] The $2 Billion Investment in Mainstream Free Open Source Software
04 Dec [News] Linux/FOSS Exchange Rival Gets Distributer
04 Dec [News] New Red Hat Partnership In India to Boost Linux
04 Dec [News] Zenwalk Brings Changes to XFCE Usability
04 Dec [News] Innovation Comes from Customer Control
04 Dec [News] Media Properly Introduces the PlayStation 3: A Linux PC
04 Dec [News] Media Gives Blind Credit to Novell
04 Dec [News] 5 Mail/Groupware Servers that Are Open Source (Usually Free and Linux-based Too)
04 Dec [News] Linux Gets Easier and More Widespread
04 Dec Re: [News] Zune, XBox, Vista Still Just Catch-up
04 Dec Re: [News] Dell Sells a 2.8GHz Box for $199, WITHOUT O/S
04 Dec Re: [News] Linux and OEM's in 2007
05 Dec [News] Novell Forks OpenOffice, Redefines Free Open Source Software
05 Dec [News] An Anti-ODF Microsoft 'Study' Debuts
05 Dec [News] European Commissioner Speaks About Linux
05 Dec [News] Microsoft Threatens Massachusetts - The Full Story is Unveiled
05 Dec [News] Apple's Patents a Linux Enemy As Well
05 Dec Re: [News] Reviewer Calls Ubuntu Linux "an Ideal Windows Replacement"
05 Dec [News] Tivoisation Revenged: TiVo DRM Cracked
05 Dec [News] Seattle Time: Windows Vista Could be Last of Its Kind
05 Dec [News] Linux-friendly Chipmaker Expects 90% Revenue Rise
05 Dec [News] Company Plan to Bring DRM to Many Mobile Phones
05 Dec [News] British Telecom Adopts Microsoft 'Standards'
05 Dec [News] Anti-Virus Software Does Not Alwayd Work
05 Dec [News] SCO's Web Site Badly Maintained
05 Dec [News] Oracle Code = Swiss Cheese (No Eyeballs on Code)
05 Dec [News] Microsoft Unveils Anti-standards Web Design Tool, Takes Aim at Cross-platform Flash
05 Dec [News] Apple Shops for More 'Intellectual' 'Property'
05 Dec [News] InfoWorld/Consultant: Vista is Windows XP with a Prettier Face
05 Dec [News] OSDL Reorganises Amid "Unprecedented Market Validation" for Linux
05 Dec [News] Open Source/Linux-based Stacks and Their Role in Lockin Prevention
05 Dec [News] EU Regulator Says Platform Decisions Must Be Made by Customers, Not Managers
05 Dec [News] Yahoo & Rueters Adopt Open Source (or Citizen) Journalism Concept
05 Dec [News] QuickTime/MySpace Worm Puts IE/ActiveX/Windows in Jeopardy
05 Dec [News] OpenDocument Said to Have Won in Massachusetts
05 Dec [News] Linux Definitely Suitable for Kids (and Microsoft Spreads FUD)
05 Dec [News] Resolution Software Successfully Uses Linux and OSS in Healthcare
05 Dec [News] NViDIA Releases New Linux Drivers
05 Dec [News] Axaile - a GTK (GNOME) AmaroK
05 Dec [News] FlightGear -- A GPL-licensed Flight Simulator for GNU/Linux Comes to Fox TV
05 Dec [News] Markets Opening for Open Source Problem Solvers
05 Dec [News] Robotics and the Linux/Open Source Embrace
05 Dec [News] Ubuntu Multimedia Center Site is Officially Launched
05 Dec [News] Java's Clustering Solution Open-sourced
05 Dec [News] Open Source for Security in Governments
05 Dec [News] DRM Used to Exclude Mac and Linux Users
05 Dec [News] Everyone Targets Linux Now (Changing Perception)
05 Dec [News] StarOffice (Commercial OpenOffice) Scores 5 Out of 5
05 Dec [News] Red Hat Gains Linux Partnership in Britain
05 Dec [News] Rebuttal to C|Net's Anti-Linux Shill Perspective
05 Dec [News] Microsoft's Monopolies Lead to Paranoia, Aggressive Acts
05 Dec [News] Tensilica Processor Comes with MontaVista Linux
05 Dec [News] Five Reason Office 2007 is Not Worth It
05 Dec [News] "Attorneys Effectively Penalised for not Accepting Patents"
05 Dec [News] Mandrake Founder Lets New Linux Project Debut
05 Dec [News] Linux Journal Released; Intel Uses Linux; Open Source Momentum Accelerates
05 Dec Re: [News] IT Department Afraid of Windows Vista
05 Dec Re: Windows on OLPC?
05 Dec [News] Open Source Satellite Images Tool (Gaia) Reborn with NASA Data
05 Dec [News] Linux in the Hospital Patient Room
05 Dec [News] Novell's Financial Reports Approaching
05 Dec [News] Intorducing Linux Using Flickr, Utilising API's
05 Dec [News] Comprehensive Report: Universities Should Use Linux
05 Dec [News] Ubuntu Linux - Children Under 10 Handle It Well
05 Dec [News] System Integrator Chooses Linux for TV/PC
05 Dec [News] Linux/AMD - Best Combo for Becoming Green(er)
05 Dec [News] Analysing the Growth of Linux in the Mobile Market
05 Dec [News] Lawyer Compares Windows EULA with Linux
05 Dec [News] Microsoft UK: Buying from Microsoft for Patriotism?
05 Dec [News] Gartner: Vista to Play Catchup with XP Until 2010
05 Dec [News] After the High Investment and Hype, Zune Sinks
05 Dec [News] New Microsoft Office Locks Apple Users Out
05 Dec [News] La Mobile Understands Vendor Lockin and Chooses Linux
05 Dec [News] A 2-Second Linux Boot Enhanced
05 Dec [News] 90 Terabyte NAS Runs Linux
05 Dec [News] Linux Makes you Stupid Because It's Too Easy to Use
05 Dec Re: [News] New Microsoft Office Locks Apple Users Out
05 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft UK: Buying from Microsoft for Patriotism?
05 Dec Re: [News] Reviewer Calls Ubuntu Linux "an Ideal Windows Replacement"
06 Dec Re: CIO Insight Poll
06 Dec [News] China Departs from Microsoft Office Formats
06 Dec [News] Microsoft Makes OpenOffice 'Dangerous'
06 Dec [News] SCO Still Going Down, Down, Down
06 Dec [News] Linux Company Gets $21 Million Funding
06 Dec [News] France May Become a Linux Development Region (Incubator)
06 Dec [News] Linux.com Reviews the OLPC UI
06 Dec [News] Green Party Accuses Microsoft of "Unacceptable Bribery" in OLPC Project
06 Dec [News] (Yet Another) Zero-day Attack on Microsoft Word
06 Dec [News] Indonesia Urging Ministries and Businesses to Choose Linux/FOSS
06 Dec [News] PHP Compiler Goes Open Source
06 Dec [News] PostgreSQL Targets Oracle, DB2 and SQL Server
06 Dec [News] Malware Studies: Security Problems Cost $62 Billion Last Year
06 Dec [News] IBM Promotes SOA, Open Source
06 Dec [News] If You Can't Secure the Program, 'Educate' the User
06 Dec [News] Killer NIC Offer Money to Linux Developers
06 Dec [News] ODF Will Win Despite Microsoft's Intervention in Novell and Corel
06 Dec [News] Analyst: Oracle's Red Hat Ripoff Still Unproven
06 Dec [News] NEC Laptop Offers Linux Choice
06 Dec [News] Jive Open Source Products Get 80K Downloads/Month, Starts Community
06 Dec [News] CIO.com Blogger: Vista is Just Eye Candy to Typical User
06 Dec [News] Stratus Chooses Open Source Virtualisation
06 Dec [News] Gorklaw Explains Why the Novell Deal is Nasty
06 Dec [News] Secunia Identifies Another Windows 2000 Vulnerability
06 Dec [News] Microsoft Creative Commons Violation
06 Dec [News] CRN Lists 25 Shortcomings in Vista
06 Dec Re: [News] Green Party Accuses Microsoft of "Unacceptable Bribery" in OLPC Project
06 Dec Re: [News] Novell's Financial Reports Approaching
06 Dec Re: [News] Reviewer Calls Ubuntu Linux "an Ideal Windows Replacement"
06 Dec [News] How Closed & Rigid Systems Punish Society
06 Dec [News] Novell a Victim of Its Own Stupidity; Falls Short of Expectations
06 Dec [News] NewsCloud Open-sourced (GPL)
06 Dec [News] 3-D GPS with Linux
06 Dec [News] Linux on the Gateway
06 Dec [News] Video: Yellow Dog Linux and Super Nintendo Emulation on PS3
06 Dec [News] PlayStation 3's with Linux Preinstalled Have Begun Being Shipped
06 Dec [News] Red Hat and Mozilla Begin Collaboration
06 Dec [News] SCO's Staff Jumping Ship While Web Site Gets Neglected
06 Dec Re: Here we go again
06 Dec [News] US Naval Military Runs Windows, Gets Pwned
06 Dec [News] IBM Upgrades Dev Tools; Programmers Flocking to Linux and Java
06 Dec [News] Intel Wants to Introduce Low-cost Computer, Considers Linux
06 Dec [News] Microsoft Admits Its New File Formats Lead to a Mess, Lock People Out
06 Dec [News] More 'Innovation' from Microsoft Corp. (Another Steal)
06 Dec [News] Microsoft Dominates New Zero-day Tracker
06 Dec [News] Microsoft's Web Design Can't Even Handle Itself
06 Dec [News] Windows Insecurities Get School Computers Confiscated
06 Dec [News] rPath (Specifix) Linux 1.0.5 Released
06 Dec [News] Australia's DET Considers Migration of 165,000 Desktops to GNU/Linux
06 Dec [News] Only 6% of Business Computer in the States Can Run Vista Premium
06 Dec [News] China Develops Own Linux-compatible O/S
06 Dec [News] Online Conferencing Product Open-sourced
06 Dec [News] Linux Graphics Drivers Continue to Improve, Open Source Initiatives Make Progress
06 Dec [News] More Lies from the BSA Derail National Open Source Bill
06 Dec [News] Whitepaper Published Which Highlights Open Source Benefits in Business
06 Dec [News] Money Throws Software to Escape Antitrust Case
06 Dec [News] Microsoft to Buy $36 Billion-worth of Its Stock for Artificial Boost
06 Dec Re: Christmas shopping
06 Dec Re: [News] SCO Still Going Down, Down, Down
06 Dec Re: [News] France May Become a Linux Development Region (Incubator)
06 Dec Re: [News] Analyst: Oracle's Red Hat Ripoff Still Unproven
06 Dec [News] It's Time for Linux and Time for Freedom
06 Dec [News] Sysgo Releases Real-time Linux
06 Dec [News] Red Hat Linux Gains High Popularity in Spain
06 Dec [News] H-P Uses Open Source in Game Development
06 Dec [News] Sun Bets on Free Open Source in Order to Benefit Customers
06 Dec [News] Novell Moves (Financial) Goalposts
06 Dec [News] Free Open Source Software and SaaS May Soon Force Repricing of Microsoft Products
06 Dec Re: [News] Analyst: Oracle's Red Hat Ripoff Still Unproven
06 Dec Re: [News] Analyst: Oracle's Red Hat Ripoff Still Unproven
06 Dec Re: SCO-Linux a summary
06 Dec Re: Bad guys are winning
06 Dec Re: [News] Windows Insecurities Get School Computers Confiscated
07 Dec Re: [News] Allchin: "We need to smile at Novell while we pull the trigger"
07 Dec [News] Out-of-the-box Eye Candy (XGL) in Linux Flash Drive (USB)
07 Dec [News] Kubuntu Gets Familiar Gown for 'Windows Migrants'
07 Dec [News] Introducing Linux with an Eye Candy Live CD/DVD
07 Dec [News] Novell's Apologies Debunked by Bruce Perens
07 Dec [News] Microsoft Could Become a Patent Troll by Proxy
07 Dec [News] Latest DistroWatch Weekly (and a Cartoon)
07 Dec [News] Finnish Migration to Free Open Source Software at Government Level
07 Dec [News] Linux and FOSS Coming to Seniors in Italy
07 Dec [News] Ballmer Discusses Microsoft's Poor Christmas
07 Dec [News] With Linux, ODF, Homegrown Open Formats, Asia Exits Vendor Lockin
07 Dec [News] WGA-type Validation Could Give Rise to Vista Trojans
07 Dec [News] Novell Throws Money at Linux Adoption
07 Dec [News] OSX (BSD) May Get Gaming Boost, Linux Could Benefit Too
07 Dec [News] Microsoft Fails BSkyB, so Google Takes Over
07 Dec [News] The Story Behind Vista in a Nutshell
07 Dec [News] Microsoft May Use Zune to Forcefeed Properietary Formats, DRM, Lockins
07 Dec [News] Siemens Among Those Who invest in MontaVista (Linux)
07 Dec [News] (K)Ubuntu with Out-of-the-box Beryl and Proprietary Drivers Reaches Alpha
07 Dec [News] Linspire Linux Goes Global
07 Dec [News] Adobe Keeps Promise and Releases Linux S/W at Same Time as Proprietary Platforms
07 Dec [News] How Microsoft Makes Linux More Expensive
07 Dec [News] Why Microsoft Open XML is a Scam
07 Dec [News] More Reasons Why Novell's OpenOffice Patches Should be Rejected
07 Dec [News] Aplix Establishes Mobile Linux Partership
07 Dec [News] More Good News for Linux-based Handset Devices
07 Dec [News] Microsoft Hires People to Promote MSN in Blogs (Blog SPAM)
07 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft UK: Buying from Microsoft for Patriotism?
07 Dec [News] OpenSUSE 10.2 Final Comes to Mirrors
07 Dec [News] Oracle's "Open Source" Abuse & Lobbying
07 Dec [News] European Patent Regime Nearing Collapse
07 Dec [News] Novell-Microsoft Formats Agreement a One-Way Trap
07 Dec [News] OpenXML = Lockin; OpenDocument = Interoperability
07 Dec [News] Report: DRM, IP Can Hinder and Stifle Innovation
07 Dec [News] American Government Tries to Change Indian IP Laws, Monopolies Lobbying
07 Dec [News] Windows Vista Architectured to Lock Users In
07 Dec [News] Novell Moves on to Relying on Partners, License Deals
07 Dec [News] 64-bit Flash 9 in Linux (with Just 2 Commands)
07 Dec [News] Spring Framework Might Be Open-sourced
07 Dec Re: How Vista lets Microsoft lock users in
07 Dec Re: Microsoft: 1M Zunes to be sold by June [Was: [News] After the High Investment and Hype, Zune Sinks]
07 Dec [News] Linux-Friendly GPU-Maker Gains Market Share
07 Dec [News] Major Labels Get the Picture, Drop DRM
07 Dec Re: [News] (K)Ubuntu with Out-of-the-box Beryl and Proprietary Drivers Reaches Alpha
07 Dec Re: [News] Media Properly Introduces the PlayStation 3: A Linux PC
07 Dec Re: [News] Green Party Accuses Microsoft of "Unacceptable Bribery" in OLPC Project
07 Dec [News] Linux as an Applications Host Released (Ulteo)
07 Dec [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
07 Dec [News] Linux & Windows Hardware Support Myth Busted
07 Dec [News] Novell Aiding Microsoft at Worst of Times
07 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
07 Dec Re: [News] Adobe Keeps Promise and Releases Linux S/W at Same Time as Proprietary Platforms
07 Dec Re: Early Allchin quote on Novell
07 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3's with Linux Preinstalled Have Begun Being Shipped
07 Dec [News] America Explains Why Non-US Countries Should Use Open Source Programs (and Avoid Microsoft)
07 Dec [News] Microsoft Tools Excludes Linux, Break Interoperability
07 Dec [News] IBM to Bring More Powerful UNIX/Linux Server
07 Dec [News] Important Debate Revived: "Open Source" vs. "Free Software"
07 Dec [News] Business as Usual at OSDL
07 Dec [News] Open Source Company in Lead List Of Tech Pioneers
07 Dec [News] Reputation Trumps Marketing (Brainwash)
07 Dec [News] Reasons Windows (Still) Requires Defragging
07 Dec [News] US 'Innovation' Panel Excludes Small Companies, Could Encourage Software Patents
07 Dec [News] Open Source Reduces Copyright Issues
07 Dec [News] Open Source Software in Healthcare Takes Another Step Forward
07 Dec [News] Pioneer Linux 32- and 64-bit Released
07 Dec [News] Microsoft's Instant Messenger Still Does Not Interoperate
07 Dec Re: "X Box": MSFT Plagiarizes Apple AGAIN?
07 Dec Re: IBM votes NO on Open XML in ECMA
07 Dec Re: [News] Reasons Windows (Still) Requires Defragging
07 Dec Re: Is Adobe getting at MS here??
07 Dec Re: [News] Why Microsoft Open XML is a Scam
08 Dec [News] IBM Brings Linux to Wireless Provider
08 Dec [News] Spying on PC's Could Increase
08 Dec [News] LinuxBIOS Ready to Go
08 Dec [News] Another Network Appliance Supports Linux
08 Dec [News] Microsoft Locks in French Viewers
08 Dec [News] Tivoization of Office Files and Novell's Help
08 Dec [News] South Africa Gets Linux Distribution for Education
08 Dec [News] (Yet Another) PC Maker Preloads SUSE Linux
08 Dec [News] Korea Fosters Open Source Projects
08 Dec [News] Applying Linux Priciples to Car Proudction
08 Dec [News] (Yes Another) Zero-day Exploit in Microsoft Windows Media Player
08 Dec [News] Open XML a One-Way 'Standard'
08 Dec [News] Is Microsoft Still Taking Over the Media?
08 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
08 Dec Re: How Vista lets Microsoft lock users in
08 Dec [News] Linux Tablet (PepperPad) Gets 2 Great Reviews
08 Dec [News] Taiwanese Company Introduces Linux-based Hendheld E-Book Reader
08 Dec [News] Linux Everywhere
08 Dec [News] Aladdin 4D Approaches Open-sourcing
08 Dec [News] Company Predicts Popularisation of Open Source E-learning
08 Dec [News] MySQL Becomes a Partner for Collaboration Server
08 Dec [News] Germany's Move to Linux and Open Source
08 Dec [News] IBM Encourages Open Source in Research, IP Royalty-free
08 Dec [News] Proof that Security is NOT a Binary Condition
08 Dec [News] Battery Drain in Windows Vista
08 Dec [News] Vista Gain Killer Commercial App - for hard-drive Defragmentation
08 Dec [News] OSDL's Mission was Accomplished
08 Dec [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
08 Dec [News] Open Source Software Provides Native Language in Armenia
08 Dec [News] Scot Finnie Criticises Microsoft Software, Ditches Windows
08 Dec [News] 20 Patches Next Patch Tuesday, Windows Computers Exposed to Hijackers Since October
08 Dec [News] XBox 360 Class Action Lawsuit Against Microsoft
08 Dec [News] Microsoft Books Search - Where Are All the Linux Books?
08 Dec [News] Novell: Freedom to Slavery
08 Dec Re: [News] Spying on PC's Could Increase
08 Dec Re: LinuxBIOS Ready to Go
08 Dec Re: [News] 20 Patches Next Patch Tuesday, Windows Computers Exposed to Hijackers Since October
08 Dec Re: [News] 20 Patches Next Patch Tuesday, Windows Computers Exposed to Hijackers Since October
08 Dec Re: help help help
08 Dec Re: Linux Books and Distro Choice (Was: help help help)
08 Dec Re: help help help
08 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Locks in French Viewers
08 Dec [News] More Vista Uptake Predictions -- Gloomy Picture
08 Dec [News] Vista Activation Server Cracked
08 Dec [News] Videos of Opensuse 10.2 Installation
08 Dec [News] Earthlink May Lose up to 90% of E-mail, Microspam Windows to Blame?
08 Dec [News] Microsoft Cannot Really Defend OpenXML
08 Dec [News] IBM Excludes Microsoft from IM Software
08 Dec [News] Microsoft Outlook - Looking Beyond the Marketing Hype
08 Dec [News] Survey: 40% Growth for Open Source in Asia, 70% of Devs Use It
08 Dec [News] Commercial Taker for Greenphone Linux Mobile
08 Dec [News] Open Source Buzz in India
08 Dec Re: [News] Earthlink May Lose up to 90% of E-mail, Microspam Windows to Blame?
08 Dec Re: [News] IBM Encourages Open Source in Research, IP Royalty-free
08 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3 Linux Support Augmented by Sony
08 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Outlook - Looking Beyond the Marketing Hype
09 Dec Re: Firefox in Europe
09 Dec Re: Windows for the OLPC
09 Dec [News] It's OpenDocument Format in Massachusetts Next Month
09 Dec [News] Microsoft's Twisted Perception of Formats
09 Dec [News] Converting an Historical Mess Into a 'Standard' (Because You Must)
09 Dec [News] SCOX Becomes a Penny Stock
09 Dec [News] Examples of the Prevalence of Linux
09 Dec [News] Paying for Software Acquisition -- Antiquated Notion
09 Dec [News] Homeland Security Studies Linux and Open Source
09 Dec Re: [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
09 Dec [News] While Hardware Costs Sink, Windows Raises Hardware Cost
09 Dec [News] Microsoft Hires Journalist
09 Dec [News] Bruce Perens on the Chnages at OSDL
09 Dec [News] How Novell's OpenXML Support Can Kill OpenOffice
09 Dec [News] The Reason American Hardware Needs to Brace Open Source
09 Dec Re: [News] Proof that Security is NOT a Binary Condition
09 Dec [News] Long Review of Opensuse 10.2 (with Screenshots)
09 Dec Re: Firefox in Europe
09 Dec Re: [News] Long Review of Opensuse 10.2 (with Screenshots)
09 Dec Re: SCOX Becomes a Penny Stock
09 Dec [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
09 Dec Re: IBM votes NO on Open XML in ECMA
09 Dec [News] Google Starts Another Pro-Firefox Campaign
09 Dec [News] Mozilla to Collaborate with Linux Distributers (Beyond Red Hat)
09 Dec [News] Swiss Robot Runs Linux
09 Dec [News] Videos Showing Microsoft's Anti-Linux Tactics
09 Dec Re: [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
09 Dec Re: [News] Siemens Among Those Who invest in MontaVista (Linux)
09 Dec [News] OpenSolaris Runs from USB, Linux Runs from USB, Where are Mac OS X and Windows?
09 Dec [News] On Microsoft Anti-Linux Weapons: Lockins and Brainwash
09 Dec [News] UnTrusting Computers: Escape to Linux Before You Get Owned
09 Dec [News] Choice Better than Uniformity, Consistency
09 Dec [News] Study: Vista's Minimum Hardware Requirement are Bollox (As Always)
09 Dec Re: [News] It's OpenDocument Format in Massachusetts Next Month
09 Dec [News] How Hollywood's Obsession with Closed Systems Jeopardises US Economy
09 Dec [News] More Details About the Linux-based Zi Device
09 Dec [News] Mobile Linux Gains Momentum Everywhere, Says ITU
09 Dec [News] Linux-based Gateway Introduced by Collax
09 Dec Re: DRM a Can of Worms
09 Dec [News] Microsoft Gives Kerala (Linux Nation) Freebies
09 Dec [News] Microsoft Seeks to Get a Chokehold on Television
09 Dec [News] Microsoft Word to Leave Mac Users behind (Again)
09 Dec [News] Forbes: Nintendo Wiill Wiin Console War
09 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Seeks to Get a Chokehold on Television
09 Dec Re: Firefox in Europe
09 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Seeks to Get a Chokehold on Television
09 Dec [News] Google Befriends Eclipse
09 Dec [News] Microsoft Anti-Linux FUD Raised a Notch, Invades Slashdot
09 Dec [News] µTorrent Going Open Source and Coming to Linux?
09 Dec [News] Vendor Conflicts Highlight Strengths of Linux/OSS
09 Dec [News] Mozilla Firefox Passes Acid 2 Test
09 Dec [News] NASA World Wind Approaches Linux Release, Gains Features (Video)
09 Dec [News] Music Industry Learns from Microsoft, Signs Dead People
09 Dec [News] Bill Gates Copied UNIX, So Who Infringed on Whose IP?
09 Dec [News] Firefox 2 Has Better Penetration Than IE7, Growth Continues
09 Dec [News] BetaNews Pessimistic Over MS Zune
09 Dec [News] Linux Driver Available for Nintendo Wiimote
09 Dec [News] Review of the Next K/Ubuntu (April 2007)
09 Dec [News] Linux - Not Just Free of Charge
09 Dec Re: [News] µTorrent Going Open Source and Coming to Linux?
09 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
09 Dec Re: SLED
10 Dec Re: [News] Linux - Not Just Free of Charge
10 Dec Re: COLA Stats 10 Dec 2006
10 Dec Re: Click on the beeb
10 Dec Re: [News] BetaNews Pessimistic Over MS Zune
10 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
10 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft Books Search - Where Are All the Linux Books?
10 Dec Re: SLED
10 Dec Re: A million units? Is there some "Buy Windows, get a free Zune" program in the works?
10 Dec [News] New Fashion -- Anti-DRM Record Companies
10 Dec [News] British Government Wants Source Code, Not Binary Blobs
10 Dec [News] Russian Government Chooses Open Source Software
10 Dec [News] Beryl Releases New Version
10 Dec [News] Windows IT Pro: Microsoft Has Leaky Pipes, Need Fixing
10 Dec [News] How Microsoft's BitLocker is Used to Suppress Linux
10 Dec [News] Benchmarks of the ASUS EAX1950PRO 256MB RV570 Under GNU/Linux
10 Dec [News] Microsoft Recommends Mozilla Firefox
10 Dec [News] Microsoft's Evolution is Too Slow and GNUgle Steals Its Show (NYT)
10 Dec [News] Microsoft Trap, Marketing with a Snag
10 Dec Re: [News] Cities in Holland Release Formal Document Favouring Open Source Software
10 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
10 Dec Re: [News] Review of the Next K/Ubuntu (April 2007)
10 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
10 Dec Re: [News] British Government Wants Source Code, Not Binary Blobs
10 Dec Re: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceeding 10-12-06
10 Dec Re: [News] Mozilla Firefox 3.0 Alpha Available
10 Dec [News] Serious Vista Bugs Begin to Emerge
10 Dec [News] Pro-Open Source Lobbying in Thailand Works!
10 Dec [News] Linux-based OLPC Coming Back to Thailand? (Microspam Got Involved)
10 Dec [News] New Version of Wine (0.9.27) is Released
10 Dec [News] Is Windows Live Officially a Dead-end Project?
10 Dec [News] .Net Addict Calls Vista RTM a "Beta" Version, Goes Back to XP
10 Dec [News] Baidu Flirts with Microsoft
10 Dec Re: LONG [News Digest] Linux News Digest for the 24hrs preceeding 10-12-06
10 Dec Re: Microsoft's Evolution is Too Slow and GNUgle Steals Its Show (NYT)
10 Dec [News] Bob Sutor on ECMA Passage of Microsoft's 10-Year Implementation History
10 Dec [News] Holland's New Open Source Policy Translated to English
10 Dec [News] Testing Your Linux Online
10 Dec [News] RISC OS Ponders Proper Open Source
10 Dec [News] .Net in Linux Declines - Good News for Open Source
10 Dec Re: [News] Linux Users Apathetic, Windows Users Fearful Due to Vista
10 Dec [Twit Alert] amicus_curious on Microsoft's Payroll?
10 Dec Re: [News] Serious Vista Bugs Begin to Emerge

Sean Inglis

04 Dec Re: [News] Beryl/XGL Out of the Box with Live DVD (not Kororaa)
07 Dec Re: [News] Out-of-the-box Eye Candy (XGL) in Linux Flash Drive (USB)

Sinister Midget

07 Dec Re: [News] Ballmer Discusses Microsoft's Poor Christmas
08 Dec Re: [News] (Yes Another) Zero-day Exploit in Microsoft Windows Media Player


10 Dec Re: [News] Review of the Next K/Ubuntu (April 2007)


04 Dec Re: IE7 always uses www.msn.com as its home page


01 Dec Re: [News] SCO is Finished
04 Dec Re: [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind
07 Dec Re: An open letter to Roy Schestowitz

The Ghost In The Machine

01 Dec Re: [News] Moronic Error Messages in Windows
01 Dec Re: [News] Linux Kernel Approaching Perfection
01 Dec Re: [News] Rating Free and Open Source Projects, Linux is Third
01 Dec Re: Photos and Screenshots of the Official Linux on the PS3
04 Dec Re: [News] 101 Reasons Java Beats .NET
05 Dec Re: [News] Reviewer Calls Ubuntu Linux "an Ideal Windows Replacement"
05 Dec Re: [News] Tech.Blorge Thinks Windows Vista is Just XP Service Pack 3
05 Dec Re: [News] New Microsoft Office Locks Apple Users Out
06 Dec Re: [News] Analyst: Oracle's Red Hat Ripoff Still Unproven
06 Dec Re: An open letter to Roy Schestowitz
07 Dec Re: An open letter to Roy Schestowitz
08 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft's Instant Messenger Still Does Not Interoperate
08 Dec Re: [News] Battery Drain in Windows Vista

Tim Smith

03 Dec Re: [News] eBay and PayPal Moving from Microsoft IIS to Apache
03 Dec Re: 101 Reasons Java Beats .NET
04 Dec Re: [News] XBox Still Struggles to Beat Playstation 2
05 Dec Re: [News] Novell Forks OpenOffice, Redefines Free Open Source Software
06 Dec Re: [News] PlayStation 3's with Linux Preinstalled Have Begun Being Shipped
07 Dec Re: [News] Why Microsoft Open XML is a Scam
10 Dec Re: [News] BetaNews Pessimistic Over MS Zune

Tim's Evil Twin

02 Dec Poster Tags

Wayne McClaine

01 Dec Re: Photos and Screenshots of the Official Linux on the PS3
08 Dec Re: Vista Activation Server Cracked

William Poaster

01 Dec Re: [News] Judge Speaks About Gates' Role in Antitrust Trial
04 Dec Re: [News] Linux Users Apathetic, Windows Users Fearful Due to Vista
04 Dec Re: IE7 always uses www.msn.com as its home page
04 Dec Re: [News] Tech.Blorge Thinks Windows Vista is Just XP Service Pack 3
05 Dec Re: [News] Microsoft UK: Buying from Microsoft for Patriotism?
08 Dec Re: [News] Earthlink May Lose up to 90% of E-mail, Microspam Windows to Blame?
10 Dec Re: [News] Review of the Next K/Ubuntu (April 2007)


01 Dec Re: [News] Chances of a GNU/Solaris in the Future?
01 Dec Re: [News] ActiveX (IE) Exposes Adobe Software and Windows to Hijackers ("Critical" Vulnerability)
01 Dec Re: [News] Gates Foundation and Microsoft Give Free Software as 'Charity'?
01 Dec Re: [News] Gates Foundation and Microsoft Give Free Software as 'Charity'?

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