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Re: [News] Reviewer Calls Ubuntu Linux "an Ideal Windows Replacement"

__/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Tuesday 05 December 2006 20:22 \__

> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  wrote
> on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 19:28:29 +0000
> <15152594.6SbkxJdg4t@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> __/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Tuesday 05 December 2006 15:29 \__
>>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Roy Schestowitz
>>> <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>  wrote
>>> on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 07:27:29 +0000
>>> <1447313.AHJqkKfaQU@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> __/ [ The Ghost In The Machine ] on Tuesday 05 December 2006 00:18 \__
>>>>> In comp.os.linux.advocacy, Mark Kent
>>>>> <mark.kent@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>  wrote
>>>>> on Mon, 4 Dec 2006 22:46:12 +0000
>>>>> <k2le44-o0h.ln1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> begin  oe_protect.scr
>>>>>> Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
>>>>>>> Ubuntu Linux Is an Ideal Windows Replacement
>>>>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>>>>>| Having been raised on DOS and the early generations of Windows,
>>>>>>>| I rediscovered that sense of excitement in a pure computing
>>>>>>>| experience when I first tried other Linux versions over the
>>>>>>>| years. However, they required a steep learning curve and
>>>>>>>| caused too much frustration with setup and obscure command-line
>>>>>>>| options. Not so with Ubuntu Linux.
>>>>>>> `----
>>>>>>> http://www.linuxinsider.com/rsstory/54507.html
>>>>>> We need another classification - something beyond a disruptive
>>>>>> technology, something which is so compelling, it's able to overcome a
>>>>>> corrupt, monopolistic system with the backing of billions of dollars.
>>>>>> Disrputive just doesn't seem to be the word here...
>>>>> I'm not sure Ubuntu is disruptive *enough*.  Admittedly,
>>>>> if Ubuntu can land a few good deals with OEMs/resellers,
>>>>                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>> See Mark's Remark: "able to overcome a corrupt, monopolistic system with
>>>> the backing of billions of dollars". See notes below as well.
>>>>> it might start the ball rolling.  From what little I've
>>>>> fiddled with it (and it's *very* little), Ubuntu's a very
>>>>> nice distro -- if one doesn't mind a tasteful brown desktop.
>>>>> But that's changeable, with a little work.
>>>> Jury Hears Microsoft Competition Suit
>>>> ,----[ Quote ]
>>>> | A judge on Friday told jurors they must accept as fact that a
>>>> | federal court found in 1999 that Microsoft holds a monopoly over
>>>> | computer operating systems and that it restricted computer
>>>> | manufacturers' ability to use competing systems.
>>>> | 
>>>> | [...]
>>>> | 
>>>> | She said she'll show that the company used its monopoly power
>>>> | to exclude competition and control prices and that it conspired with
>>>> | other companies to restrain trade, maintaining what she called a
>>>> | chokehold on software competitors and computer manufacturers.
>>>> | 
>>>> | "It isn't illegal to be successful," Conlin said in opening
>>>> | remarks. "We applaud that. ... But you can't freeze out competitors
>>>> | and punish and retaliate against people who cooperate with
>>>> | competitors. Microsoft did all that and more."
>>>> | 
>>>> | Conlin warned jurors that she would say some unflattering things
>>>> | about Microsoft and its billionaire founder Bill Gates, who
>>>> | serves as company chairman.
>>>> | 
>>>> | [...]
>>>> | 
>>>> | Conlin's first 3 1/2 hours of opening arguments delved deeply into
>>>> | computer industry history and how Microsoft fought off competitors
>>>> | attempting to design rival software.
>>>> `----
>>>> http://biz.yahoo.com/ap/061201/microsoft_trial.html?.v=1
>>>> Is there wasn't a "chokehold", maybe then you wouldn't need to cope with
>>>> brown.
>>>> Best wishes,
>>>> Roy
>>> Hm.  I'll have to keep half an eye on that one. :-)  Of
>>> course the last DoJ action resulted in a settlement...and
>>> I'm frankly far from sure it did justice any good.
>>> But we'll see.
>> It'll take a long time to fix a broken (software) indutry and legal system
>> (or government), but here's something for the brown. :-) :-)
>> http://www.flickr.com/photos/lord_darth_vader/311737681/
> Heh.  A pretty color desktop, if a bit odd-looking
> because of the raindrops.

Well, worry not, my friend. It does not /leak/ memory.

> ...But what's that weird-looking
> 4-color affair in the upper right hand corner?  Looks an
> awful lot like a certain competitor's logo... :-)

Let them sue. As long as it doesn't say "Pod" and it isn't packaged with the
distro, all is fine.

> (I suspect something to do with VmWare.  There's a smaller
> version of that logo right next to the Gnome foot.)
> The buddy list is also interesting, in that the "jewels"
> are rather evocative of Mac OSX's GUI.  Mix and match. :-)

Speaking of Ubuntu Linux, I quite like it when people call it just "Ubuntu"
or even "Ubuntu OS". This means that they are oblivious to all that
'religion' and they choose that based on pragmatic grounds. The scale of
distribution does not meet many people's eye because it's put on a separate
partition, having been given away (the CD's come in tens) and installed on a
Windows-labeled machine. Wait and see how it all changes demographically.
People whom I know in industry state that Linux adoption is inevitable and
just a matter of time. Look at Microsoft's deparate acts. Should give a
clue... they already know this.

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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