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Re: [News] Samba to Leave Microsoft and Novell Behind

Rick wrote:

> On Mon, 04 Dec 2006 07:42:22 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> The Ides of March Approaches for Novell
>> ,----[ Quote ]
>> | So, Novell now has something concrete to ponder - on or about the 15th
>> | of March, 2007, they should expect to lose the right to distribute
>> | updates and improvements to the very software that gives them their
>> | precious "interoperability" with Windows - Samba. And they should
>> | expect other projects to follow, leaving Novell and Microsoft to
>> | maintain their own forks.
>> `----
>> http://boycottnovell.com/2006/12/04
>> Shuttleworth comments on the deal in the Open Week IRC chats:
>> http://boycottnovell.com/2006/12/04
> ... and now one major distro ill be isolated. How long before the others
> are isolated and Linux based distos cease to be able to interact wth other
> operating systems?

Say what?  Think again!!!!

The remarkable thing about GPL is that you can fork a project. 
So as novel SuSE dies, OpenSuSE or some other variant that has
moved over to GPL3 will still continue to live.

Nothing has been lost despite a $300 million dollar assault on Linux.

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