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[News] NBC Finally Departs from Microsoft's Turf

CNBC relaunches own site with more video

,----[ Quote ]
| Hoffman said CNBC's licensing agreement with Microsoft's MSN Money
| expired at the end of the second quarter this year and the two
| decided to go their separate ways.


This was announced over a year ago, but only now it's becoming a reality.
Maybe the site will actually become accessible to non-Windows platforms. The
takeover by Microsoft killed Real Player options (I could no longer watch
Jay Leno), among other things. Microsoft has other victims though...

BBC Looks To Microsoft For Web 2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| However, you don't sign deals or commitments if you're a quasi-autonomous
| Public Corporation operating as a public service broadcaster, as the BBC
| is. BBC Director General Mark Thompson met Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates
| in Seattle on Wednesday to sign the non-exclusive memorandum of
| understanding and discuss the BBC's digital strategy.


Beeb breaks out with Windows WMA protection

,----[ Quote ]
| According to a press release from Sonos, the blokes over
| at the Beeb have decided to jump ship for relying on
| Realplayer for web content, and have switched over
| entirely to the Windows-friendly WMA format. Now
| that the BBC has made The Big Switch, BBC radio
| stations will be received automatically for users
| of wireless music and radio provider Sonos.


That's despite the BBC's (technical staff) praising of Open Source technology
and GNU/Linux.

I suspect that Microsoft has also bought Motley Fool. It clearly put a lot of
FUD in C|Net as well, often disguised as articles.


Bill Gates lends cash to buy newspapers

$350 million to MediaNews

,----[ Quote ]
| Gates involvement has been very behind the scenes. In fact many of
| those involved in the deal didn'teven know he was one of the investors.
| It was carried out through the Gates Foundation, the world's largest
| philanthropy outfit.


,----[ Quote ]
| Editors' Note: November 10, 2006, Friday An article in Business Day
| on Tuesday described a decision by Microsoft to offer movies and
| episodes of television shows for downloading through its Xbox Liveo
| nline service in the United States.
| The article quoted Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle
| Group, discussing the features that set Xbox Live service apart
| and its position in the market.
| But the article did not note that Mr. Enderle had Microsoft as a client,
| a fact later pointed out by a reader. Mr. Enderle does consulting work
| for several of Microsoft's product groups, though not for the one
| developing the Xbox; still, had The Times known of Mr. Enderle's work
| for Microsoft, it would not have sought out his opinion on the product. 


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