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Re: Click on the beeb

__/ [ Roy Culley ] on Sunday 10 December 2006 04:53 \__

> Click, 'BBC's flagship new media and technology series', is on at
> the moment.
> A poor Windows user asked if his ISP offered virus protection! Apart
> from the windummie not saying what ISP he had so that they couldn't
> say whether they did or not, what made me laugh was some of the
> followup emails they received. Several MAC users stating they didn't
> need any anti-virus SW.
> With the recent 0-day exploits targeting Windows SW no anti-virus
> SW will help.

They won't be having a very merry Christmas. Same as last year (sysadmins
worries about the 0-day WMF flaw/s).

> Windows: insecure by design and probably always will be.


Microsoft Windows: Insecure by Design


If Only We Knew Then What We Know Now About Windows XP

,----[ Quote ]
| You can think of Windows XP as a house with a second floor built of
| spackle, wood filler and duct tape.


Why Windows is a security nightmare.


The Structural Failures of Windows


Security Report: Windows vs Linux

,----[Executive summary ]
| Finally, we also include a brief overview of relevant conceptual
| differences between Windows and Linux, to offer an insight into why
| Windows tends to be more vulnerable to attacks at both server and desktop,
| and why Linux is inherently more secure


Study: Billions of dollars spent on security

,----[ Quote ]
| Large U.S. businesses will spend $61 billion on security by the end
| of this year, representing 7.3 percent of total IT budgets in the
| country, according to a new report from Info-Tech Research Group.


US lost $8 billion to computer crime

,----[ Quote ]
| Consumer reports' latest "State of the Net" survey has revealed that
| US punters lost more than $8 billion over the last two years to
| viruses, spyware and con tricks.
` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Every beginning must start somewhere
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