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Re: [News] It's Official: Microsoft Bricked XBox 360 Failures (and Keeps Quiet About It)

Tim Smith <reply_in_group@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> In article <3t9c44x25b.ln2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>  Jerry McBride <mcbrides9@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> >> Interesting how Roy never mentions the high PS2 failure rate.
>> > 
>> > What high PS2 failure rate?
>> There were none.
> So the class action suit over the DRE problem was imaginary?  
> (<http://www.consumeraffairs.com/news03/playstation.html>)  (Sony 
> settled, providing free exchanges).
> The recall for overheating didn't really happen?
> All these people were imagining their problems?
>    <http://www.consumeraffairs.com/home_electronics/sony_play.html>
> and this FAQ describes how to try to work around the problems for no 
> reason?
>    <http://www.playstationpro2.com/ps2faq.html>
> as does this guide?
> <http://www.gamingworldx.com/features/PlayStation2DiscReadErrorDRERepairG
> uide.shtml>
> as does this?
> <http://www.g4tv.com/xplay/features/45797/PlayStation_2_Disc_Read_Error_F
> ix.html>
> and this?
> <http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20061126211304AAChH4H>
> There's even a market for these broken PS2s, for use as spare parts:
> <http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190058492686&ssPageNa
> me=MERCOSI_VI_ROSI_PR4_PCN_BIX&refitem=140056615375&itemcount=4&refwidget
> loc=closed_view_item&refwidgettype=osi_widget>
> Google for "PS2 DRE" for thousands of pages about the problem.
> Question: were you lying when you said there were none, or do you simply 
> know absolutely nothing about the subject and were just making up
> things?

Personally I would never have said there were "none", but compared to
volume sold it seemed to me that the PS2 was a pretty reliable
product. Besides, in the day of sue & counter sue, companies recall
products if they even look at you a bit funny.

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