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[News] Out-of-the-Box MythTV Version 2 (Dragon) Released

More Linux in the living room... more open than TiVo...

Dragon v2.0

,----[ Quote ]
| To take away the guesswork involved in choosing the right
| hardware, StormLogic LLC's MythTV Store and the KnoppMyth
| project created Dragon, the first of many KRP-certified
| MythTV systems to come. It's the next step in making MythTV
| more accessible to everyone.
| Never heard of MythTV or KnoppMyth? Read on to learn what
| MythTV and Dragon can do for you.



re-build MythTV Linux PVR eats Windows MCE for breakfast

,----[ Quote ]
| Basically this is an unpack-and-plug-in solution to your media
| streaming/live TV pausing/scheduled recording needs.  Yes, you
| could build your own Linux box and install MythTV, but this saves
| you all the effort, is cheaper than a Windows Media Centre and
| gives you access to a vast range of fan-programmed add-ons.


Linux as a Media Centre

,----[ Quote ]
| As far as comparing Mythtv to Windows Media Centre, there is really
| no comparison, Mythtv is in a class of its own and puts WMC to shame
| in almost every department possible. This is the sort of application
| that could introduce Linux to many new users and households. Well done
| Isaac and the rest of the team, keep up the good work.


Monolith Media Center brings MythTV to the technophobe

,----[ Quote ]
| If MythTV's promise of a free Windows Media Center alternative sounds
| exciting, but you can't quite bring yourself to navigate the trials of
| a Linux install on your own, then you might be interested in
| Monolith's pre-built Media Center PCs, which come with MythTV
| pre-installed on top of Ubuntu Linux.


MythTV vs Windows Media Centre: is Linux still in with a chance?

,----[ Quote ]
| In terms of functionality, the machines were identical.
| MCE is beautiful to look at and use -- but if had the choice between a 
| swankier interface and saving a few hundred dollars on the cost of the 
| unit, I'd go for saving the money anyday.


According to Tomshardware, MythTV does more.

MythTV                                          Windows MCE 2004

Open Source; free to obtain, use, and modify    Proprietary; pay to obtain
use but not modify
Interchangeable codecs (OSS and proprietary)    Proprietary codec cannot be
Software and hardware decoding support          No software decoding support
Output to DivX and MPEG2                        No support for DivX or MPEG2
Setup requires moderate Linux know-how          Simple setup and config 
Runs on Linux and MacOS, feeds to Windows       Runs on Windows only
Ultra-low system requirements                   Modest system requirements
Support for companion and third-party plug-ins  No plug-in support
Scalable network architecture (master/slaves)   Basic TCP/IP network support 
Record once, transcode and play anywhere        Record and play locally only


MythTV - Record and playback all your favourite TV soaps in GNU/Linux

,----[ Quote ]
| KnoppMyth : This is an attempt at making the Linux and MythTV installation
| as trivial as possible...
| MythTV for XBox - This is a project which aids in setting up MythTV on
| ones XBox gaming station with ease...
| MiniMyth - This is a small Linux distribution which turns a diskless
| computer into a MythTV front-end.
| Fedora Myth(TV)ology - This is a project started by Jarod Wilson...


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