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Re: [News] Free Open Source Philosophy: Customers Create, Not the Imperial Vendor

On Mon, 18 Dec 2006 17:53:56 +0000, Roy Schestowitz
<newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> The drudgery of incumbent imperialism
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | For people feeling stifled by the need to pen in their customers so
> | as to prevent their escape to greener pastures, you should try as
> | tartup (and, specifically, an open source startup). We're creating
> | a new order, one that defies the old laws of software economics in
> | favor of a new empire:
> | 
> | That which the customer, not the imperial vendor, creates.
> `----

Maybe that's one of the problems with Linux.
Loonies and losers responsible for the creation
of all the OSS software.

God, what a mess.

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