Self-explanatory, I think.
Related: FSF launches campaign against Microsoft Vista
,----[ Quote ]
| The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today launched, a
| campaign with a twofold mission of exposing the harms inflicted on
| computer users by the new Microsoft Windows Vista and promoting free
| software alternatives that respect users' security and privacy
| rights.
| The Free Software Foundation (FSF) today launched, a campaign
| with a twofold mission of exposing the harms inflicted on computer users by
| the new Microsoft Windows Vista and promoting free software alternatives
| that respect users' security and privacy rights...
Who do You Trust with Your Computing?
,----[ Quote ]
| Helios was speaking out against trusted computing (TC) and Digital
| Rights Management (DRM) that is humming softly at the hardware and
| software level inside YOUR computer right now. That's right! Chances
| are, it's already made it on a chip on your and my motherboards...but
| it's there. Soon, if what can happen does happen...we'll all be so
| very unhappy at being told how we can and can't operate our PCs.
| Some of you may be asking, "what the heck are you talking about?
| They can't tell me how I can use my computer inside my own home".
| Unfortunately, that statement is false. DRM chips are already on a
| majority of motherboards and even built into some processors (viiv
| anyone?). All it takes is a flip of the switch and you'll do what
| Microsoft or any other company that wants to manage your rights
| for you tells you to do whether you like it or not. That is, ofc
| ourse, unless you use Linux :) Linux has always been about
| choice...we choose to compute in ways WE want to...not ways
| that are defined for us.
Should I buy a Windows or Linux PC?
,----[ Quote ]
| I want to get a new PC, whilst if possible avoiding "lock in" to suppliers
| of hardware or software. I was thinking of a Linux system, but I have some
| DOS and Windows programs I'd like to retain, and I'm too short of time and
| brainpower to become technically involved.
Financial Services: fed up with proprietary integration hassles
,----[ Quote ]
| In financial services, enterprises are fed up with proprietary
| integration / middleware price gouging and architecture lock-in,
| and actively on the prowl for open source alternatives.
Two ways Microsoft's mindshare sabotages Linux desktop adoption
,----[ Quote ]
| Microsoft may not make flawless software, but its proprietary
| strategy is hard to fault. In particular, Microsoft has mastered
| desktop lock-in, undermining users' confidence in any alternatives
| and creating a slew of minor difficulties that irritate those
| who do switch.
| [...]
| The power of MS brainwashing
| Six months later," 80% of users have and had no problem with OpenOffice,"
| Holt said.
Microsoft's Zune the salvation of VC1?
,----[ Quote ]
| I believe Microsoft came out with Zune not to counter the iPod
| hardware but to make WMV/WMA relevant again.
Microsoft Office lock-in and the deal with Novell
,----[ Quote ]
| It details how Microsoft has built into Vista the "trusted
| computing" ability to lock down Office files via DRM such that
| no unauthorized document reader will be able to decrypt and
| read them. This is perhaps one of the biggest hidden weapons
| Microsoft has in its arsenal that could sabotage Linux and
| if Microsoft succeeds in its attempt to plug
| SUSE and all Novell's "interoperability" bonuses.