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Re: [News] Linux Has Achieved So Much in 10 Years...

On 2006-12-14, Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> posted something concerning:
> What Can't Open Source Achieve in the Next 10 Years?
> ,----[ Quote ]
>| Fast-forward ten years. GNU/Linux completely dominates the field of
>| supercomputing. In the world of business computing, GNU/Linux is thriving
>| in the server room, and is now the only serious competitor to Windows
>| there. Apache's market share is hovering  around the 60% mark;
>| admittedly, this is its lowest level for four years, but that's not
>| bad considering the fact that it is up against a company with a $30
>| billion cash hoard to buy friends and market share.
> `----
> http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/1000144

There may be a major competitor by that time. But Windows won't be it.
In all probability it won't be MS at all.

In 10 years the Xbox will most likely be gone (unless they can start
addressing its problems), the Zune will be remembered almost to the
level that ME enjoys now, Office will be defunct, there won't be any
Windows (certainly not as it exists, anyway; perhaps the name will go
on with something else, but it won't be a desktop affair) and several
other projects will have failed.

Maybe *something* will survive once they finally remove the feeding
tube from Windows.

I started to make a list of all of the great Microsoft
innovations. Then I remembered CTRL-ALT-DEL is handled by
the BIOS.

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