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[News] Vista Released Prematurely

No Rush to Adopt Vista

,----[ Quote ]
| "I say Microsoft never intended anybody to run Vista prior to January,"
| he said. "What works on Vista, beyond Office 2007?" he asked. "I'm going
| to Vista... when my VPN supplier tells me that they have drivers that
| work, and when my antivirus vendor tells me that they have non-beta
| versions that work."



Life with Vista - Is this dogfood really for the dogs?

,----[ Quote ]
| # Vista is not ready for primetime. By that I mean that Vista still
| feels like a beta. That's right. It has so many compatibility
| problems with existing applications that running anything other
| than stuff from Microsoft that specifically says "for Vista Build
| XXXX" makes me feel like I'm taking my life into my own hands.
|    1. Games - don't even get me started...
|    2. Visual Studio 2005 - I can't find the words to express the irony...
|    3. Virtual PC - worthless. Don't even attempt on Vista.


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