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Re: GNU/Linux is in a battle for 2008

On Tue, 26 Dec 2006 07:53:47 +0000
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> __/ [ ed ] on Monday 25 December 2006 23:12 \__
> > On Mon, 25 Dec 2006 22:56:50 +0000
> > Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 
> >>  
> >> Forget about it. DRM will dimish, not prosper. DRM is a disrptuive
> >> techlogy, like Free software. Unliket Free software, however, it
> >> works against people, not /for/ them. It robs freedom/liberty, not
> >> grants it. The industry is a minority; the customers are the vast
> >> majority, so they will win. DRM will sink...just like Sony's
> >> mini-disk.
> > 
> > i have one of those... i cant give the damn thing away.
> Because /you/ don't want it or because _nobody else_ wants it?

a little of both. i paid top scratch for it and now i dont want to
loose it... maybe i'll use it for spare parts or something.

> Either way, DRM is the equivalent of selling licenses to use
> software, rather than give full access (with the freedoms) to the
> software itself. These ideas of restrictions are dying because, given
> the choice, people want what's more convenient. Unless DRM or
> software licenses become the law (remember that Firefox licenses
> insanity in the UK?), DRM will never catch on. Also see my other long
> post in this thread, which indicates that labels address demand and
> begin dropping DRM. Joe Bloggs doesn't understand why his new CD
> won't play in the car. However, once they get these CD's labeled in
> red (proposal in the UK, IIRC), he'll be sure to avoid these. Be
> upfront to shopper, as you must, and  customers will wisen up.
> DRM capitalised on carelessness and naivety, but it didn't last long.
> Campaigns such as Defective by Design warned people and explained to
> them what was going on, in case damage has already been done. It's
> never too late.

yes, but the seeds of evil have already been planted. the idea itself
has started wheels turning. i think they're going backwards at the
moment. some artists are selling music online, and that's a good thing,
they know that the downloads are where the market is these days so the
compromise on price and cut out the record label.

Regards, Ed                      :: http://www.bsdwarez.net
just another bash hacker
Vin Diesel has the right to bear arms aand the right to arm bears. 

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