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Re: A useful site for the Brits among us

begin  oe_protect.scr 
Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> espoused:
> __/ [Kier] on Thursday 02 February 2006 11:26 \__
>> On Thu, 02 Feb 2006 11:03:16 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>>> __/ [Kier] on Thursday 02 February 2006 10:57 \__
>>>> Kier wrote:
>>>>> Here's a UK website that sells Linux compatible gear. Haven't tried
>>>>> them yet myself, but might be worth checking out for anyone in the UK
>>>>> who wants to spare themselves some hassles:
>>>>> http://ripoffforeveryone.
>>>> Upgrade to a Sempron 3100+: £44.95
>>>> Upgrade to a 1.44MB floppy drive: £14.95
>>>> Upgrade to a black/silver case: £15
>>>> Knowing some cola retard will soon be dudded:
>>>> Priceless
>>> There are various sellers that stock the eSys computers with either
>>> Mandrake or SuSE. I suggest you look these up. Under GBP 150 for a 2.2 GHz
>>> machine is quite a deal. For the record, I choose Open Source never
>>> because of the price, but because it is better. The price is only a nice
>>> bonus and a mind-blowing contradiction.
>> Ignore the scumbag forging coward, Roy. As for the *genuine* website, I
>> never claimed they were the cheapest around - quite possibly aren't - but
>> they're offering to make life a little easier for Linux users.
> After I had posted I took a careful look at the headers, which show up in
> full by default.
> It doesn't take large, widespread initiatives to help people adopt Linux. One
> shop is enough to provide the goods. When demand rises, the rest will follow
> (still need front window showcases). Likewise with hardware vendors. It does
> not matter if a certain proportion of them refuse disclosure of  driver
> information that make the vendor and equipment Linux-friendly. It only takes
> a few vendors that are known to work. Migrations are another matter, as is
> the case of buying second-hand or exchange of hardware.

It's worth noting that getting hardware to work in Windows is frequently
consderably more difficult than in Linux.  Anything more than about 1
year older than the current Windows version is unlikely to be supported,
and most people have no idea about how to find drivers and such like,
even if older hardware is supported.  Then, there's the single-platform
issue of Windows...

| Mark Kent   --   mark at ellandroad dot demon dot co dot uk  |
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