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Re: Rants about Vista UI

__/ [Linønut] on Saturday 04 February 2006 15:44 \__

> After takin' a swig o' grog, Roy Schestowitz belched out this bit o'
> wisdom:
>> I thought the following would be of interest to the group.
>> http://chris.pirillo.com/balog/_archives/2006/2/1/1739922.html
>    Not Found
>    The requested file was not found on this server.

Yes, I must have had an accidental keystroke, which Malware Magnet corrected.
Remove the "a" in "balog". This must have been a residue of a failed CTRL+A.


[to Erik, please move along, nothing to see here]

PS - regarding Erik's comment (I don't reply to particpants to whom it is a
job), he did not mention that theming is often a third-party add-on, which
one must pay for. Every time he writes something it contains a lie or two,
just as the fortnightly statistics suggest. Lies make it ever more difficult
to abstain from replying, which is either the game they intentionally play
or the game they get the most generous rewards for (from the Employer).

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