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Re: Alternative Search Engines

__/ [jjk2124@xxxxxxxxxxxx] on Tuesday 07 February 2006 08:11 \__

> I think that the French system (was it called Quaero?) was completely
> talk when it was announced. Many companies are joining in, now.  After
> all, what could make a better search engine than a lot of corporate
> interests and MBAs and a few programmers?  A good list of search
> engines is
> http://www.best-free-search-engine-list.com/search-engine-list/list.htm
> .  Not a lot of annotation, but there might be something there for you.

http://www.safalra.com/special/googlegroupsreply/ . Please...

Search engines are not an exact science, so as long as someone funds the
hardware and bandwidth, there will be bias.


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