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Re: Is this spamming ?

__/ [Elective Affinities] on Wednesday 08 February 2006 00:16 \__

> Can I consider these  spamming ?

They all appear to be associated with the same crook and spamming techniques
are similar. The level of severity varies though. Perhaps spam evolved in a
variety of domains.

> http://www.ho telren ania.it/hote lgarni/prm/it/
> see gray text at the bottom


  HOTEL GARNI RENANIA - Hotel Bibione. Hotel Bibione prenotazione.


Spam, gibberish (not intended for human readers), light colours that Google
consider to be hidden content.

Definitely spam.

> http://www.ros hote ls .it /prm /
> cache:

I am using a keyword density tool with the term "hotel". Result:

Title: 3 matches
Body: 35
Header: 11 (40% of all words)
Links: 12
Meta description: 4 (40% of all string)
Meta ketwords: 3 (40% of all string)

If that's not spam, I don't know what is...

> or this
> http://www.ho telren an ia.it/ho telgarni /prm/it/ bibione_terme.html
> or this ?
> http://www.b avaria .it /prm/
> and this ?
> http://www.ho te l-col ombo.it/ prm/
> the text is not clear but far from top of the page ....
> and this ?
> http://w ww.i l-vi no.com/
> and this with keyword + redirect ?
> http://w ww. met alco .it/

I have looked at two more and they use the same techniques as above. Well
spotted. Report them to the search engines and get them wiped off the index.
The Net doesn't need such grabage.


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