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Re: Lost sound

__/ [AaronJ] on Friday 10 February 2006 03:23 \__

> Ron Miller <rh.miller@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>My Tungsten E2 has recently lost its voice. Although it will play mp3s
>>through external speakers or stereophones, all the signals, alarms, and
>>general clicking has disappeared. It was not dropped or abused so far as
>>I can remember.
>>I have done soft and warm resets without result. Has anyone else
>>experienced this and found a way to restore sound short of trying a hard
> It's possible the speaker springs used to attach the speaker to the board
> have come unsprung. As a last resort take off the back and bend out the
> springs a little. This was a common complaint (and fix) on the TE(1)...

I have this problem with my Tungsten T too. All Tungsten appear to have this
deficiency, which many people have already complained about in the
newsgroups. In my case, it has gone on for several months and I have not got
around to fixing it. I'll give it a kick later today, owing to your advice.



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