Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> __/ [George Ellison] on Monday 13 February 2006 16:41 \__
> > Roy Schestowitz <newsgroups@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> >
> >> ...
> >> 197&file1=35197-1.jpg&file2=35197-2.jpg&file3=&name=PCLinuxOS ...
> >> +Clear+Blue+Start+kbfx
> >>
> >> OR
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Seems like an attempt at a Vista clone, maybe even Aero. Put that together
> >> with shadows and transparency [1] and you soon reach the conclusion that
> >> /stable/ eye candy is well ahead of the Windows miletones. Then come to
> >> consider OSX, from which inspiration for widgets, certain icons and visual
> >> effects has probably originated from.
> >>
> >> Ironically, a release called /Vista/ has nothing genuine to offer to
> >> desktop appearance.
> >>
> >> [1]
> >
> > Kompmgr really isn't all that stable at this point, especially considering
> > that RenderAccel is needed to make it work decent, and that's just a
> > recipe for trouble.
> Xgl should accelerate everything. It should also make the wobbling (or
> "swinging") menus far less strenuous on the CPU. This prematurity, in fact,
> is why the KDE team insisted on having a prompt to warn that such features
> are experimental (proof-of-concept). That warning cannot even be suppressed
> by the user, which illustrates the severity.
> That apart, kompmgr does a decent job, even on version 3.4. No drawing
> inconsistency is critical or even worrisome if it ever arises. It's eye
> candy we are talking about, not the filesystem or even widgets that can
> intervene with files, i.e. write to them in an irreversible manner.
It works alright, but I've had a serious issue with random lockups when
using transparency (they rarely if ever happen when using something like
fluxbox with xorg's xcompmgr).