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Re: Largest Windows Error Message

__/ [ rapskat ] on Wednesday 22 February 2006 07:19 \__

> On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 17:51:04 +0000, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
>> http://www.networkworld.com/community/?q=node/4630
>> Behold the shame.
> I was at a friends house watching TV, and as he was clicking through the
> channels I caught a quick glimpse of something that looked remarkably like
> a BSOD in the music channels.  I had him change back, and sure enough
> there it was, a real to life Windows BSOD in all it's glory being
> broadcast for all to see on cable television.  It was quite a sight on a
> 52" widesreen HDTV.
> It was on there for almost 4 hours before someone finally took care of it.
> Funny thing is, the music was still playing in the background!  That was
> memorable for me because though I've seen lots of pictures and reports of
> such things, I've never actually seen one first hand before.

I have seen plenty of that c**p in the airports. I tend to travel at nights
and I can assure you that they reboot Windows on a regular basis (every
day?), which is when you see the underlying cogwheels (BIOS and then

The unnerving feeling of seeing a bug-riddled piece of SHIofTware
administrating airport traffic...


Roy S. Schestowitz      | Linux + tax = Mac OS = (Windows - functionality)
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