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Re: Bristol's switch to StarOffice

__/ [ B Gruff ] on Friday 24 February 2006 14:27 \__

> http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2006/02/23/bristol_migration.html
> I found this an interesting read.
> To my eyes, free of invective, not out to "Change the World", no real
> political point, etc.  Simply a local government body in the U.K., which
> has done a very careful appraisal, and then performed a very careful
> migration in what would seem to be a professional manner - and by all
> accounts successfully.  All very quiet, no headlines, no threats, no
> fanfare of trumpets...
> It's what - 5,000? - desktops, still using or going to use XP, but now
> devoid of MS Office, and using StarOffice instead.


"As a user of a range of software solutions, Bristol's council has always
committed itself to finding the right solution for the right problem and
trying to deliver that solution at the lowest total cost of ownership (TCO)
possible. As a primary user of Microsoft Office, the council saw the change
in licensing policy at Microsoft as an opportunity to explore the options
available to possibly unify its computing into a software standard."

City Council, aye? Where did we put that flying pig again...?

> Perhaps the reason that it caught my eye was because of a reply I made
> recently to Mark, in that these things do seem to be happening, very
> quietly (in contrast to MA!), and yet almost as though there was an overall
> plan....
> Also, it (and others) seem to be going a familiar route - the way that I
> did! .... OpenOffice.... Firefox.... Thunderbird .... "Why am I still using
> MS?"....Linux!

Exactly! That's why we should encourage people to install and use OpenOffice,
Thunderbird, and Firefox. All three are on the Ubuntu Live CD, so while you
can't force others to /use/ them, you can at least /install/ them,

Best wishes,


Roy S. Schestowitz
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